What is compaction factor test of concrete?

What is compaction factor test of concrete?

The compacting factor is defined as the ratio of the weight of partially compacted concrete to the weight of fully compacted concrete. It shall normally be stated to the nearest second decimal place.

What is the compaction factor for high workability of concrete?

Explanation: Compaction factor should lie between 0.95 and 1 for high workability. Hence compaction factor of 0.88 indicates that the workability of the concrete mix is Medium.

How do you test the workability of concrete?

  1. Slump Test. The concrete slump test or slump cone test is the most common test for workability of freshly mixed concrete which can be performed either at the working site/field or in the laboratory.
  2. Compaction Factor Test.
  3. Flow Test.
  4. Vee Bee Consistometer Test.
  5. Kelly Ball Test (Ball Penetration Test)

What is compaction factor test used for?

The compaction factor test is carried out to measure the degree of workability of fresh concrete with regard to the internal energy required for compacting concrete thoroughly. The compacting factor test is used to find out the low workability of concrete.

Which test is used for workability?

Explanation: There are 5 types of test to find the workability of a concrete i.e. slump test, compacting factor test, flow table test, vebe test, Kelly ball test.

What is high workability concrete?

High workability concrete has applications where limited vibration is possible (particularly useful in void filling). Concrete having high workability can be achieved without significant impact on mechanical properties (eg compressive strengths and shrinkage) through appropriate mix design.

What is the compaction factor test on concrete?

The compaction factor test on concrete is a very sensitive test and can be used even for the concrete with very low workability which cannot be done by the slump test. This test is known as the compaction factor test because the degree of workability is defined as the amount of work required for placing and compacting fully.

What are the factors that affect the workability of concrete?

There are primarily three major factors affecting the workability of concrete – water/cement ratio, shape and size of aggregate and admixtures. Workability is described as very low, low, medium, high and very high. And, there are various concrete workability tests available to measure it.

What are the types of tests for workability of concrete?

Types of Tests for Workability of Concrete. 1 01. Slump Test. The concrete slump test or slump cone test is the most common test for workability of freshly mixed concrete which can be performed 2 02. Compaction Factor Test. 3 03. Flow Test. 4 04. Vee Bee Consistometer Test. 5 05. Kelly Ball Test (Ball Penetration Test)

What is compcompaction factor test?

Compaction factor test can be defined as the test conducted on concrete to determine the workability of concrete in the laboratory where the maximum size of the aggregate does not exceed 38mm. This test can also be efficiently used in the field. The test was developed for the first time in the United Kingdom by the Road Research Laboratory.

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