Obtain a reference image of a conch shell. You could do a quick search for an online picture or use the one in this…
Sketch an oblong shape. This serves as a guideline for your conch shell. This shape doesn’t have to be perfect or…
Break your original shape into a few smaller shapes that show the flow of the shell’s form. The shell in this article…
Draw some curves to show where the major spirals are on the conch shell. These should be larger and spread apart near…
How to draw sea shells?
Basis. The basis of the shell looks like a shuttlecock.
Adding details. Add the detail to the shell’s side,making your drawing bigger in such a way. Add the identical detail to another side.
Continue adding the parts. Draw identical parts. They end not at the very bottom,but slightly above.
Lower part. Draw two irregular semicircles on the right and on the left at the bottom. The shell can be tightly closed with the help of these small details.
Horizontal lines. The shell is divided with the help of horizontal lines which start from its curves above.
Pattern. There is an original pattern on each seashell. Draw wavy lines on its surface. Draw the same solid line in the lower part.
Small details. Add more horizontal lines on the shell. Draw small details at the top and at the bottom.
Coloring. Seashells can be of different bright colors that smoothly flow into each other. Let your child try to create his or her own pattern.
Collage of the stages of the seashells drawing. If you saw an error,please highlight the text’s fragment and press Ctrl+Enter.
How to draw seashells?
Begin by drawing a straight diagonal line. This guide line will help you to draw the shape of the shell.
Draw a straight line extending from the original line at an acute angle. Then, connect the two lines using a curved…