How do I find the zoning for a property in Cobb County GA?
Zoning designations can be obtained on the Cobb County website online mapping which is located on the Geographic Information Systems page.
What zone is Cobb County?
Cobb County, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 7b and 8a.
Do you need a permit to build a fence in Cobb County GA?
Although most fences built within the City do not need a building permit, the City does have regulations regarding the height, placement, and materials for new fences. For instance, all fences must be: Located at least two feet away from the right of way.
What is NRC zoning in Cobb County?
The NRC district is established to provide locations for convenience shopping facilities which are on properties delineated within a neighborhood activity center, community activity center or regional activity center as defined and shown on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan: A Policy Guide, adopted November 27, 1990.
What planting zone is GA?
Georgia is in USDA plant hardiness zones 6-9.
Where is unincorporated Cobb County?
East Cobb is a community of over 170,000 residents, located in Cobb County just northwest of Atlanta. Residents of East Cobb typically have a Marietta address, but they are not within the boundary of the City of Marietta. East Cobb is an unincorporated area that is administered by the Cobb County Government.
What zone is McDonough GA?
McDonough, Georgia is in USDA Hardiness Zones 8a.
What growing zone is Marietta GA?
zone 7b
The city of Marietta, Ga is situated in zone 7b on the USDA Hardiness Zone Map.
What does R20 zoning mean in cobcobb County?
COBB COUNTY R-20 ZONING INFORMATION R-20 (single-family residential, 20,000-square-foot lot size). The R-20 district is established to provide locations for single-family residential uses or residentially compatible institutional and recreational uses which are within or on the edge of properties delineated for any residential category as defined
Where can I find zoning designations in Cobb County GA?
Descriptions for the zoning designations can be found in the Official Code of Cobb County, in Part 1, Chapter 134. Zoom into a location in Cobb County and explore zoning cases nearby. Use the right legend to determine the zoning case type. Search zoning cases using the left dialogue box.
Where can I find information on in-home businesses in Cobb County?
Information on in-home businesses can be obtained by calling the Zoning Division at (770) 528-2035. Is this address located in Cobb County? You may locate your address using the Cobb County website online mapping tool. Visit the Geographic Information Systems page. What is the suite number of this address?
Where can I find zoning information for my area?
Each of the County’s Cities’ regulates zoning within their respective city limits. To find information you can Search by Address at the top of the screen to zoom to an area, or use one of the options offered below for zoning codes.