How do I complain about a corporation?

How do I complain about a corporation?

10 Effective Ways to Complain About a Company Online

  1. Go to the Company Website:
  2. The Better Business Bureau.
  3. The Federal Trade Commission.
  4. Ripoff Report.
  5. [email protected].
  6. Yelp.
  7. Planetfeedback.
  8. Google Your Attorney General.

How can I complain about a mosquito in Chennai?

Other civic and health complaints, other than flooding such as mosquito menace and battered roads, can be made by calling the Corporation’s toll-free number 1913. The same mechanism applies to redress of complaints made through 1913.

How can I contact Chennai Corporation?


Service Phone Numbers
Chennai Corporation Complaints 1913
Railways Reservation Enquiry 132
Automated Reservation Query 139
Tourist Enquiry 1913

How can I register complaint in Greater Chennai Corporation?

Call 1913 to register your complaint. You can call 1913 to check the status of your complaint. Keep your Complaint Number ready before you call.

How can I file complaint in India?

Here’s the complete procedure to file a consumer complaint in India.

  1. Step 1: Register on the website, by clicking on ‘New user’.
  2. Step 2: Complainant needs to provide all the required details like name, email id, address and phone number.

How do I complain about mosquitoes?

Respected sir/madam, I am ____________(Name), a resident of _________ (Locality) beg your kind attention to our area. There is a sudden surge in the count of mosquitoes these days in our locality. This problem is something new in this locality, with no clue how to resolve this.

How do I register a complaint in Pallavaram Municipality?

The toll-free number (1800-425-1600) launched by the Pallavapuram Municipality to enable local residents to make complaints about lack of civic amenities within its jurisdiction, has evoked an enthusiastic response.

Who is the head of Chennai Corporation?

Gagandeep Singh Bedi
Gagandeep Singh Bedi is Chennai Corporation Commissioner.

What is the office of the Chennai Corporation?

Vishu Mahajan I.A.S. Greater Chennai Corporation, Ripon Building,Chennai-600003.

How to register online complaint at Chennai Corporation?

To register online complaint at Chennai Corporation ,visit the page You need to fill in the required details such as the type of complaint, name, mobile number, street etc.

How to contact Chennai Corporation for road maintenance?

Chennai Corporation Complaint Numbers For Road Maintenance Designation Contact Number Chief Engineer (General) +91-44-2538-3692 Superintending Engineer (Bus Route Roads +91-44-2536-0556 EPBX +91-44-2538-4510, (Ext.350, 281)

How do I complain about Chennai Metro water service?

If you have a service problem either in water supply or waste water disposal you can make a complaint in person or over phone to Round the Clock Complaint Cell operating from the Chennai Metro Water Head Office on the Telephone No. 45674567

How do I file a complaint at GCC Chennai?

You can check your complaint status on You can also call1913 to report an issue. You can also use Namma Chennai app to register complaints at GCC. Here are the links to Download the app:

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