Are 1950 census records available?

Are 1950 census records available?

According to the “72-Year Rule,” the National Archives releases census records to the general public 72 years after Census Day. As a result, the 1930 census records were released April 1, 2002, and the 1940 records were released April 2, 2012. The 1950 census records will be released in April 2022.

Was there a census in 1941?

No national census was taken in 1941 due to the Second World War. However the 1939 Register which was taken at the start of the Second World War for Identity Cards and rationing has filled the gap.

Why are there no census records after 1940?

The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and a census has been taken every ten years since. However, data from recent censuses are not available after 1940 because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census.

Why are some 1939 census records closed?

Why are some records closed on the 1939 Register? You will see some records covered by a black line in the 1939 Register. These are the records of individuals who were born less than 100 years ago and whose death has not been registered. This is to protect their privacy if they are still alive.

How do I access the 1940 census in one step?

It is available for online searching free of charge at or Population Schedules for the 1940 Census. In order to locate someone, it may be helpful to know his or her address and the Census enumeration district in which that address was located.

How do I find out if someone was on the census?

Here are some ways you can verify an individual is a Census Bureau employee:

  • The census taker or field representative will present an ID badge that includes:
  • They will have an official bag and Census Bureau-issued electronic device, such as a laptop or smartphone, bearing the Census Bureau logo.

When was the last census taken in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts. State Census Records. State census records of Massachusetts were taken every ten years from 1855 to 1945, but only the original population schedules for the 1855 and 1865 census still exist. All other state census years are lost or destroyed.

Where can I find a copy of the 1855 Massachusetts census?

The originals, as well as microfilmed copies, are now located at the Massachusetts Archives. Both state series have similar information as the 1850 and 1860 federal census. In addition, both the 1855 and 1865 state census records contain categories for deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict.

Where can I find old US Census records?

You can also visit the National Archives web site and read more about census records. Moreover, discover unique clues found in various federal census years 1790 – 1840 and 1850 -1930 to help further your research. The value of census records cannot be understated.

What are the differences between the 1855 and 1865 state census records?

Both state series have similar information as the 1850 and 1860 federal census. In addition, both the 1855 and 1865 state census records contain categories for deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict. The 1865 also has information about whether a man is over the age of 16 and owns taxable property.

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