What drains after mastectomy?

What drains after mastectomy?

Miltenburg uses a Jackson-Pratt or JP drain. As the tissues grow together the fluid production slows down and eventually stops. This process takes about 14 days. Once drain production is less than 1 ounce (30 ml or 30 cc) in 24 hours, the drain can be removed.

What are the different types of surgical drains?


  • Passive Drains. Passive drains are made of latex, polypropylene, or silastic rubber.
  • Active Drains. Active drains are closed systems that collect fluid into a reservoir.
  • Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy.
  • Infection.
  • Vascular Damage.
  • Spread of Neoplastic Cells.
  • Dehiscence.
  • Blockage.

What are the drains for after breast cancer surgery?

Drains are long tubes that are inserted into your breast area or armpit to collect excess fluid that can accumulate in the space where the tumor was. The tubes have plastic bulbs on the ends to create suction, which helps the fluid to exit your body.

How long do JP drains stay in after mastectomy?

You will have the drain(s) for at least 5 days and up to 3 weeks. Your drain will come out when the drainage is less than 30 millilitres (just over 2 tablespoons) in 24 hours for 2 days in a row. A nurse can remove your drain.

What color should JP drain be?

The first couple of days after surgery, the fluid may be a dark red color. This is normal. As you continue to heal, it may look pink or pale yellow.

What is the stringy stuff in JP drain?

There may be red stringy material in the drainage. These are not blood clots—DO NOT WORRY! This material does, however, tend to block the tubing. You may need to “milk” or “strip” the tubing.

Can you shower with mastectomy drains?

You may shower one day after the drain(s) is out and if you have a plastic dressing. If you have gauze and paper tape, you may remove it two days after surgery and shower after that. Use a towel to dry your incision thoroughly after showering. Be careful not to touch or remove the steri-strips or sutures.

What are the 3 types of drainage?

The types of drainage systems will allow you a better comprehension of their roles and how they work together.

  • Surface Drainage System. Surface drainage systems remove excess water from the land’s surface through channels or ditches.
  • Subsurface Drainage System.
  • Slope Drainage System.
  • Downspouts and Gutter Systems.

How long should drains stay after a mastectomy?

Most drains are left in place for two to three weeks, but some may be removed before you leave the hospital and others may need to be left in place for longer than three weeks. The risk of infection, however, begins to increase rapidly after they have been in place for 21 days.

Why are drains used after breast reduction surgery?

The purpose of a drain is to remove blood and lymphatic fluid from the operative site. This will help prevent infection and eliminate dead space created by removal of fat and breast tissue. Removing the accumulated fluids will also promote healing and recovery. Jackson Pratt is the type of drain used after breast reduction surgery.

Does JP drain removal hurt?

Yes, removal of a drain can cause a stinging discomfort for several seconds after its removal. The use of local anesthesia may be an option to help alleviate any discomfort associated with drain removal. Discuss this option with your surgeon.

Is radiation necessary after a mastectomy?

Radiation therapy after mastectomy is not always necessary for women with low-risk breast cancer, but it is frequently recommended for high-risk breast cancers. For intermediate breast cancers, use of radiation therapy after surgery remains controversial.

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