What database does TeamCity use?
On the first TeamCity run, using an internal HSQLDB database is suggested by default. The internal database suits evaluation purposes only; it works out of the box and requires no additional setup. However, we strongly recommend using an external database as a backend TeamCity database in a production environment.
Is Jetbrains TeamCity free?
TeamCity Professional is free for 100 build configurations and three build agents. Additional build agent licenses can be purchased for $299 and includes one additional build agent and ten additional build configurations.
Where is the TeamCity data directory?
By default, the is placed in the user’s home directory (e.g. it is $HOME/. BuildServer under Linux and C:\Documents and Settings\\. BuildServer ) under Windows.
Where are TeamCity artifacts?
By default, the artifacts are stored under the /system/artifacts directory which can be changed. You can configure an external artifacts storage to replace the built-in one. Build artifacts can also be uploaded to the server while the build is still running.
How do I restore a backup on TeamCity?
Performing Restore
- On the TeamCity First Start page, enter the path to the Data Directory and click Restore from backup.
- Enter an absolute path to the backup directory on the TeamCity server or upload a ZIP archive with the backed up data.
- Choose the target database.
- Proceed with the restoration.
Is Octopus deploy free?
Are there any free or low-cost versions of Octopus Deploy? It’s free to self-host using Octopus Server, and we have a low-cost Cloud Community plan that is $10 per month. See our Community documentation for more details on the various limits that apply to the Community edition.
Is TeamCity better than Jenkins?
Jenkins vs TeamCity: Key Differences. The most basic difference between Jenkins vs TeamCity is that Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration tool and TeamCity is a commercial tool. In addition, TeamCity allows you to easily build docker images, and the support of Jira and Bugzilla helps to easily track issues.
What database should I use with TeamCity?
On this page: On the first TeamCity run, using an internal database based on the HSQLDB database engine is suggested by default. The internal database suits evaluation purposes only; it works out of the box and requires no additional setup.
What are the system requirements to run TeamCity server?
TeamCity Server is a web application that runs within a capable J2EE servlet container. It requires a Java SE JRE installation to run. See notes on how to install Java on a TeamCity server. Supported Java versions: OpenJDK and Oracle Java 8 (8u16 or later) and 11 (32 or 64 bit).
What character sets does teamteamcity use?
TeamCity uses the primary character set (char, varchar, text) for storing internal text data and the national character set (nchar, nvarchar, ntext) to store the user input and data from external systems, like VCS, NTLM, etc. Create a new database.
How does TeamCity work with a PostgreSQL database?
Grant permissions to modify this database to the user account used by TeamCity to work with the database. TeamCity does not specify which schema will be used for its tables. By default, PostgreSQL creates tables in the ‘public’ schema (‘public’ is the name of the schema). TeamCity can also work with other PostgreSQL schemas.