How does the lie detector circuit work?

How does the lie detector circuit work?

This circuit is based upon a lie detector. A lie detector works by detecting when the liar sweats. The increase in moisture leads to a decrease in skin resistance. By using a voltage divider to measure the resistance of skin, a lie can be detected.

What is a portable polygraph?

The Portable Lie Detector is a device which detects persons, who were telling lies based on the vibrations in their voice. These were developed by using “theory of polygraph”. This kind of portable lie detectors were being developed by Lafayette Instrument Co and Johns Hopkins University.

Is there a lie detector machine?

The instrument typically used to conduct polygraph tests consists of a physiological recorder that assesses three indicators of autonomic arousal: heart rate/blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity. Most examiners today use computerized recording systems.

Is polygraph machine considered a lie detector?

A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector test, is a device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions.

Why are lie detectors not used in court?

Because the results of a polygraph test can mean many things and are so unreliable in detecting actual lies, they do not rise to the level of reliability required for scientific evidence in a courtroom and polygraph test results are usually inadmissible as evidence.

Can you cheat a lie detector test?

A simple way to cheat the polygraph is to deliberately distort your physiological readings when telling the truth, such as by biting your tongue, or imagining an embarrassing incident in the past.

The concept behind this Lie Detector Circuit is that, we assume when a person lie he kind of pumps up his anxiety level which makes him sweat and develop moisture on his skin. We then use this piece of circuit to detect if there is moisture on his skin and based on the result we glow and LED, a green one for truth and red for lie.

How to order the lie detector PCB?

After completing the design of this Lie Detector PCB, you can order the PCB through To order the PCB from JLCPCB, you need Gerber File.

How to use a lie detector as a relaxation monitor?

The lie detector circuit can be used as a relaxation monitor for monitoring relaxation and reduction of tension. Set the balance control to light more number of LEDs. As you relax or reduce tension, your body’s resistance increases.

How to test an LED light circuit?

Hold the electrodes very tightly with the forefingers and the thumb. Now the electrodes will get heated up and consequently their resistance will reduce, and this will cause more LEDs to turn on. Once you get the above mentioned indications from the initial test, your circuit is ready.

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