How big will a German Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix get?
32 inches
The Great Pyrenees crossbred with German Shepherd can weigh from 75 up to 120 pounds and grow tall up to 32 inches from their foot to the tip of their ears.
What do you call a German Shepherd and Great Pyrenees mix?
The Germanees is the offspring of a German Shepherd and a Great Pyrenees. Because both parents are purebreds, the Germanees is considered a designer dog breed. Your Germanees will be a large to giant size dog. His coat will be dense and medium to long in length.
Do German Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix shed?
Because they have such dense coats, Great Pyrenees German Shepherd mixes shed heavily. So it is very important to brush them daily to help prevent tangles and remove any dead fur.
Are Great Pyrenees mix good with kids?
This breed is known as the gentle giant—Great Pyrenees grow to well over 100 pounds. “Since they are a guardian breed that was meant to protect a flock, they are great with kids of all ages,” Demling says. “Being with their family is of paramount importance for this breed.”
Are Great Pyrenees easy to train?
Training a Great Pyrenees can be difficult, but it can also be easy if you start early and maintain kindness and consistency. Originally bred for guarding livestock, the Pyr is used to working and thinking on his own. This trait is still strong, whether he comes from a line of pet dogs or working dogs.
Can Great Pyrenees be inside dogs?
Great Pyrenees can be inside dogs, particularly if they have been raised primarily indoors. Most Pyrs love being outside and would rather be outside all the time. However, a Pyr puppy who has never had a large area to roam can be well-suited to apartment life.
Why are Great Pyrenees white?
Breed historians believe that the Great Pyrenees can trace its roots back to a group of mostly white mountain flock guardian dogs that lived in Asia Minor 11,000 years ago. These large, white dogs may have come to the Pyrenees Mountains around 3,000 BC, where they evolved into the Great Pyrenees we know today.
Do Pyrenees shepherds shed?
The Basics of Pyrenean Shepherd Grooming The smooth-face has a semi-long coat. The coat is harsh to the touch with little undercoat. It does not mat easily or shed much.
How much do Great Pyrenees puppies cost?
I’ve seen Great Pyrenees puppies being sold for about $1,000 to $2,500 from reputable breeders. But I’ve seen puppies for about $200 from irresponsible breeders. Rescues may have pyrs for about $500 depending on the dog’s age. But remember—a higher price doesn’t mean you’re getting a better-quality puppy.
Will Great Pyrenees bite?
Great Pyrenees are typically not biters – instead of being more docile and friendly. Like any dog, they may bite if provoked, if threatened, or feel they need a last resort. Puppy Great Pyrenees are also more prone to biting but with training and age, this behavior should reduce.
Should I crate train my Great Pyrenees?
Potty training a Great Pyrenees can be accomplished at home with the assistance of a dog crate. Place the Great Pyrenees puppy in a crate during the night, when the owners are away from the home or every time the dog cannot be closely monitored. The cage should only be large enough for the dog to lie down.