What findings should be noted during an oral cavity examination?

What findings should be noted during an oral cavity examination?

Teeth should be examined to evaluate possible dental decays, fractures, mobility, defects in restorations, gingival recession and bone loss with inspection, palpation and percussion. The hard palatal mucosa is characterized by keratinized epithelium and covered by a series of fibrous ridges or rugae.

What is an instrument examination of oral cavity?

Tongue depressor, mouth mirrors and gauze sponges are essential tools for adequate examination of the intraoral structures. Oral mucosa is generally pink in colour. Highly keratinized, firm, stippled and pale masticatory mucosa cover the hard palate, dorsal surface of tongue, and gingiva.

What is extra oral examination?

Abstract. The general assessment and extra oral examination of the dental patient can identify undiagnosed or undisclosed medical conditions, such as malignancies, endocrine conditions and signs indicating raised cardiovascular or cerebral vascular risk.

What are five main areas checked in the oral clinical exam?

Each visit to your dentist will be different, but most dental examinations contain these five key parts.

  1. Teeth cleaning. As was mentioned earlier, one of the treatments dentists perform during a routine examination is professional cleaning.
  2. Visual inspection.
  3. Oral cancer screen.
  4. Fluoride treatment.
  5. Bite inspection.

Why is oral examination important?

Impact of Assessment on Students’ Test Anxiety An oral examination provides a meaningful procedure in terms of testing for extended problem-solving ability. Besides exam-related knowledge, other skills are assessed, such as nonverbal language and communication skills.

What is the difference between intraoral and extraoral?

There are two main types of dental X-rays: intraoral (the X-ray film is inside the mouth) and extraoral (the X-ray film is outside the mouth). Intraoral X-rays are the most common type of X-ray.

Why is extraoral examination important?

The general assessment and extra oral examination of the dental patient can identify undiagnosed or undisclosed medical conditions, such as malignancies, endocrine conditions and signs indicating raised cardiovascular or cerebral vascular risk.

What are some different types of dental exams?

Various types of dental X-rays are available, including:

  • Bitewing. This type of X-ray allows the dentist to see the crowns of the upper and lower teeth.
  • Periapical. This type of X-ray allows the dentist to see the entire tooth and the surrounding bone.
  • Occlusal.
  • Panoramic.
  • Cone beam computerized tomography.

What makes a good oral exam question?

Be direct, stay on top, answer questions thoroughly, but concisely, and don’t ramble. Also, avoid mumbling or speaking in a monotone voice. Do not rush through the test and alter your voice tone.

What is FOV Cbct?

CBCT units can be categorized according to patient positioning, field of view, clinical functionality, and detector type. Field of view (FOV) is another way to categorize these units. FOV refers to the anatomical area that will be included in the data volume, or the area of the patient that will be irradiated.

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