How do I apply for SSP benefits?
To apply for SSI/SSP, please visit your local Social Security office (find the nearest SSA office) or phone 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
How much is SSP in PA?
SSP Payment Levels
Individual | Couple | |
Residing in an Independent Living Arrangement | $22.10 | $33.30 |
Residing in the Household of Another | $25.53 | $38.44 |
Residing in a Domiciliary Care Home | $434.30 | $947.40 |
Residing in a Personal Care Home | $439.30 | $957.40 |
What is SSP in Pennsylvania?
The Social Security Administration has notified Pennsylvania that you are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). As a result, you are eligible for the maximum State Supplementary Payment (SSP) for your circumstances. The maximum SSP for an individual is $22.10.
What qualifies you for SSI in PA?
To qualify for SSI, you must also have little or no income and few resources. The value of the things you own must be less than $2,000 if you are single or less than $3,000 for married couples living together. We don’t count the value of your home if you live in it, and, usually, we don’t count the value of your car.
What are SSP benefits?
California State Supplementary Payment (SSP) The SSP is California’s supplemental payment to recipients of SSI. The current maximum SSP is $160 a month for an individual and $407 for a couple, down from $233 and $568 a month in 2009.
Is Social Security disability based on household income?
The SSA doesn’t count all your income toward your limits as well. Because SSI is needs-based, you should understand that any earned income and any unearned income will impact your eligibility for SSI and the amount of benefits that you receive each month. The first $65 of earned income each month also do not count.
What is minimum disability payment?
Your weekly SDI benefits will usually be 60-70% of those average weekly wages, with a minimum benefit of $50 per week and a maximum of $1,357.
What does SSP mean?
statutory sick pay
the pay an employee is legally entitled to when sick. ▶ USAGE The abbreviation for statutory sick pay is SSP.
How do I apply for SSP for PCs in Pennsylvania?
(1) The individual or each member of the couple shall submit an application for an SSP for PCS to the area agency on aging under 6 Pa. Code § 21.23. (2) If the individual or each member of the couple is not an SSI recipient, he shall submit an application for SSI to the SSA indicating that an application for an SSP for PCS is pending.
What is the difference between ssp and ssp only?
SSP—State Supplementary Payment —A cash benefit provided by the State to an individual or couple eligible for SSI or that would be eligible for SSI except for income. SSP-Only —A category designation for an individual or couple that is ineligible for SSI based on income alone, but eligible for an SSP.
Who is eligible for a Supplemental Security Plan (SSP)?
An individual or couple eligible for SSI is eligible for an SSP in accordance with the following: (1) The SSP is not considered income by the SSA in determining eligibility for SSI. (2) The SSA administers SSPs for an individual or couple that is one of the following:
What is a single SSI payment from Pennsylvania?
A single payment that includes both the federal SSI payment and the supplement from Pennsylvania is issued to residents of domiciliary care homes and personal care boarding homes. If you live independently, in someone else’s household you receive a separate payment from Pennsylvania in addition to your federal SSI payment.