How big do electric blue rams get?

How big do electric blue rams get?

Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America. Average adult size: 1.4 – 1.6 inches. Average purchase size: 1 – 1.2 inches (2.5 – 3 cm)

How long does it take for Bolivian Ram eggs to hatch?

The eggs will usually hatch after two to three days, and once they are hatched, they will be transported to the shallow pit that the male previously dug, where they will be watched over by both parents.

Can you have one Bolivian Ram?

Bolivian Rams are good to keep together in small groups. There is no right or wrong here, they do well both alone, in a pair or in a group. If you want to breed them, get a group of 4-8 then let them pair off and separate the couples.

Where are Bolivian Rams found?

Where does a Bolivian ram live? These dwarf cichlids (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) can be found in Bolivia and Brazil. Bolivian ram cichlid species have also been observed in the upper Rio Madeira catchment area of Bolivia. The fish are often found in small, sandy ponds with water temperatures of around 27°C (81°F).

Are electric blue rams Hardy?

How long do German blue ram fish live? Because of poor breeding practices or improper care requirements, ram cichlids have the reputation for being less hardy compared to other species. If given lots of high-quality foods and clean water at the right temperature (see below), they can live up to 4 years.

What fish can live with German blue rams?

Good tank companions are silver dollars, dwarf gouramis, discus, plecostomus catfish, cardinal, and neon tetras. Other great tank mates include corydoras, rummynose tetras, kuhli loaches, clown loaches, guppies, mollies, and platies. Large aggressive fish are not a good match.

Will Bolivian Ram eat guppies?

rams won’t eat guppies.

Are Bolivian Ram cichlids aggressive?

The Bolivian Ram is a peaceful, well-tempered fish especially in comparison to other members of the cichlid species. They are not aggressive, and are compatible with many other types of fish.

Is electric blue ram a community fish?

The Electric Blue Ram is a tank-bred colour strain of the Ram. Rams are best maintained as a male-female pair in a peaceful community setting, and should not be housed with any aggressive species which may bully them.

What kind of fish is Mikrogeophagus altispinosus?

Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. Mikrogeophagus altispinosus is a species of fish endemic to the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Bolivia. The species is part of the family Cichlidae and subfamily Geophaginae. It is a popular aquarium fish, traded under the common names Bolivian butterfly, Bolivian ram,Bolivian ram cichlid, and ruby crown cichlid.

Is Mycoplasma altispinosus good for aquariums?

The species is also more tolerant of lower temperatures (22–26 °C or 72–79 °F) and a greater range of water conditions than M. ramirezi. So, M. altispinosus can be kept in some community aquariums, but assertive, active, or aggressive-feeding fish are not ideal companions for this relatively shy species.

What is Mikrogeophagus ramirezi?

This species is also traded as ‘hi-fin ram’ ‘Bolivian butterfly’ or ‘ruby crown cichlid’ and is arguably a better choice for less-experienced aquarists than its congener M. ramirezi. The genus Mikrogeophagus currently contains just two recognised species.

What is the habitat of Mikrogeophagus?

Range, geographic variants, and habitat. The species occurs in the soft, acidic, warm waters of the Mamoré and Guaporé River drainages in Bolivia and Brazil. Whether one morph of M. altispinosus, known to aquarium hobbyists as Mikrogeophagus sp.

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