How many host IDS does a class B have?

How many host IDS does a class B have?

Class B (128.0. 0.0 to 191.255. 255.255) for general use. Class B addresses are for intermediate networks; they use 16-bit host addresses and 16-bit network addresses.

How many networks does class B have?

0.0 to 191.255. 0.0 as Class B networks. There are 16,384 possible Class B networks. In a Class C network, the first two bits are set to 1, and the third bit is set to 0.

How many subnets are in a class B network?

There are nine bits for subnetting and seven bits for hosts. That is 510 subnets, each with 126 hosts. However, it is the most difficult mask to figure out the valid hosts for. Example 6: The Class B 255.255….Subnetting a Class B network address.

Subnet 64.0 128.0
broadcast 127.255 191.255

How many hosts are on a network?

The formula to determine how many hosts can operate on a network is 2n-2, where n is the number of 0 bits in the subnet mask. A subnet mask has 32 bits. If the CIDR notation is /27 it indicates that there are 5 bits left to create subnets.

Which class has the largest number of hosts?

Thus, for a Class C address with 8 bits available in the host field, the maximum number of hosts is 254. Today, IP addresses are associated with a subnet mask.

How many hosts are in a subnet?

You can figure out how many hosts you can have in your subnet by subtracting the number of network bits from the number of total bits: in other words, 32 total bits, minus the number of network bits. Let’s use 26 as an example. A subnet with 26 network bits has six bits available for the host IP addresses.

How many hosts are in a 23 subnet?

Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

Addresses Hosts
/ 23 512 510
/ 22 1024 1022
/ 21 2048 2046
/ 20 4096 4094

How many hosts are in a 24 subnet?

Subnet Cheat Sheet – 24 Subnet Mask, 30, 26, 27, 29, and other IP Address CIDR Network References

CIDR Subnet mask # of IP addresses
/23 512
/22 1,024
/21 2,048
/20 4,096

What is the maximum number of hosts in a Class A network?

The InterNIC assigns only the first byte of a class A number. Use of the remaining three bytes is left to the discretion of the owner of the network number. Only 127 class A networks can exist. Each one of these numbers can accommodate up to 16,777,214 hosts.

How many maximum numbers of networks and hosts are there in class A B and C network?

Key Concept: In the “classful” IP addressing scheme, a Class A network contains addresses for about 16 million network interfaces; a Class B about 65,000; and a Class C, 254. As you can see, there is quite a disparity in the number of hosts available for each network in each of these classes.

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