What color is a sable Sheltie?

What color is a sable Sheltie?

The Colors of The Sheltie Sable is a tan coloring overlaid with varying amounts of black.

Are tri color Shelties rare?

But unlike the solid colored hairs of the tricolor, the sable hair coat consists of tan hairs, black hairs and banded hairs all mixed together. Saddle pattern tricolors, if they exist at all in Shelties, are very, very uncommon.

What is a white factored Sheltie?

A Sheltie who is white-factored has a recessive gene for white or white spotting, and can produce color-headed white puppies. The homozygous recessive results in a predominantly white Sheltie, usually with a solid-colored head. Ticking is considered to be dominant to the lack of ticking in most breeds.

What is a tri color sheltie?

A Tri Color Shelties body is black, and will have tan hair on face, and legs and sometimes the body. They will have white in the same places as a Sable. These are “Blue Merle” Shelties.

What is a sheltie mix?

The Border Sheepdog is a mixed breed dog — a cross between the Border Collie and Shetland Sheepdog breeds. Border Sheepdogs go by a few names, including Sheltie Border and Border Sheltie. If you like to bring this beautiful mixed breed home, you might be able to find them at shelters or breed specific rescues.

How do you get a blue merle Sheltie?

Blue merle shelties are produced when one parent has the merle gene. The blue merle color pattern is not blue; the dog’s black pigment is diluted, making the hair appear silver or grey. The darker color usually appears as mottled spots on the dog’s coat. A blue merle sheltie will have some tan points in the coat.

Can a dog be sable and tri?

In most dog breeds the Agouti gene is only visible if the dog does not carry the dominant black gene. The dog can still carry any of the agouti alleles….The “a” Allele.

Genotype Coat Color Hidden Color
Ay/at Fawn/Sable Tricolor/Tan Points
Ay/a Fawn/Sable Solid Black/Bicolor
aw/aw Wild Sable None

What is sable tri color?

Sable is an accent color on a tricolor collie, usually appearing on the dog’s eyebrows, face and on the front of the rear legs.

What are the different colors of Shelties?

A showcase of the five Sheltie colors: Sable, Tri Color, Blue Merle, Bi Blue, and Bi Black. We also look at white factoring and the rare Color Headed White. Shetland Sheepdogs are known for five official coat colors. Unlike most dog breeds, their black fur comes from a recessive gene, which is why you’re less likely to meet a black Sheltie!

Can a white factored Sheltie have blue eyes?

White factored Shelties can be any of the Sheltie colors seen above. The extra white fur comes from a modifying gene, as opposed to a base color gene. And, like the merle gene, it can also produce blue eyes. White factored Shelties can be valuable to breeders in producing sufficient white markings in puppies.

What is a blue merle Sheltie?

Blue merle Shelties could actually be considered tri color Shelties with some color modifications. Merle Shelties are not produced by color genes, but instead they are created by a color modifier gene which affects the base color of the dog.

Are black Shelties dominant or recessive?

Shetland Sheepdogs are known for five official coat colors. Unlike most dog breeds, their black fur comes from a recessive gene, which is why you’re less likely to meet a black Sheltie! Instead, the dominant color gene produces Sable.

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