How bad is the morning-after pill for you?

How bad is the morning-after pill for you?

The morning-after pill is not recommended as an ongoing form of birth control because it’s not as effective at preventing pregnancy as birth control methods like the IUD, patch, pill, ring, or shot. Also, frequent use of emergency contraception may cause periods to become irregular and unpredictable.

How long do the side effects of the morning-after pill last?

“Most side-effects will go away within a few days, and there are no serious long-term effects from taking the morning after pill. Side-effects are likely to be the same regardless of which brand of pill you take.” Some women may also experience temporary breast tenderness and dizziness.

Can morning after pill cause infertility?

Taking the morning after pill will not impact your fertility in any way. It doesn’t matter how many times you take it, or whether you need to use it several times during a short period. Emergency contraceptives contain higher doses of the same hormones in birth control pills.

How do I know if the morning after pill worked?

The only way to know that the morning after pill has definitely worked is for your next period to arrive. This might not be what you wanted to hear, but it’s important not to panic. When taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex, ellaOne is 99% effective. It is a good idea to get to know your menstrual cycle.

How effective is the morning after pill when ovulating?

The short answer is: no. All morning after pills work by delaying ovulation, so if you have ovulated in the last 24 hours then it won’t be effective.

What does the morning-after pill do to sperm?

How does the morning after pill work? The morning after pill works by stopping or delaying your ovary releasing an egg. It might also stop the sperm from reaching an egg that has already been released. If the sperm has already fertilised the egg, it is too late and the pill won’t work.

Does morning after pill work if you are ovulating?

It’s really quite simple: No morning-after pill works during ovulation, as they’re designed to delay it. If ovulation is already happening, Plan B (or any other emergency contraceptive pill) will have failed before it’s even begun.

What are the dangers of the morning after pill?

Side effects of the morning-after pill, which typically last only a few days, might include: Nausea or vomiting. Dizziness. Fatigue. Headache. Breast tenderness. Bleeding between periods or heavier menstrual bleeding.

What to expect after taking the morning after pill?

After you take the pill, you may experience some symptoms within 24 hours — and it’s not usually pleasant. Women who have taken the morning-after pill complain of nausea, vomiting, lower-belly pain, headaches, exhaustion, and breast tenderness. You may also experience an “atypical period” or some bleeding after taking emergency contraception.

Can you still get pregnant after taking the morning after pill?

Fact: The morning-after pill doesn’t give anyone a free pass to have unprotected sex after taking it. Having unprotected sex in the days or weeks after taking the pill can still result in pregnancy, so it’s best to hold off on sexytimes until securing a reliable method of contraception.

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