What is tempo of Gretchen am Spinnrade?

What is tempo of Gretchen am Spinnrade?

Song Metrics Six Orchestrated Songs: Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel), D. 118 is a song by Franz Schubert with a tempo of 86 BPM. It can also be used double-time at 172 BPM. The track runs 4 minutes and 8 seconds long with a key and a minor mode.

What language is Gretchen am Spinnrade?

Composed by Schubert “Gretchen am Spinnrade” (or “Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel”) is the name of a lied—a German ballad—which was composed in 1814 by Franz Schubert, based on a story in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust.

What is Gretchen singing about as she spins?

In the seventh stanza, Gretchen sings of her lover’s kiss. The piano stops, expressing Gretchen’s distraction as she stops her spinning, completely lost in her thoughts. In the final stanza, the melody reaches the highest notes as Gretchen sings about being lost in her beloved’s kisses.

What does the piano represent in Gretchen am Spinnrade?

The piano accompaniment represents the spin of the wheel as she works: the right hand imitates the continuous motion of the spinning wheel, and the left hand represents the foot lever.

What emotions were evoked in Gretchen am Spinnrade?

Schubert’s setting of Goethe’s poem, “Gretchen am Spinnrade,” is evocatively beautiful and menacing – an ominous feeling of overwhelming melancholy and love’s fateful delirium. The lyrics are in stanzas of four and are in strophic form.

Is Gretchen am Spinnrade homophonic?

The prevail- ing texture is homophonic—mostly the instruments play in the same rhythm at the same time.

What is the genre of Gretchen am Spinnrade?

With “Gretchen am Spinnrade” and some 600 other songs for voice and piano, Schubert contributed transformatively to the genre of Lied.

Who composed the erlkonig?

Franz Schubert
Erlkönig, also called Erl-King or Elf-King, song setting by Franz Schubert, written in 1815 and based on a 1782 poem of the same name by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

What is the German art song?

The German tradition of art song composition is perhaps the most prominent one; it is known as Lieder. In France, the term Mélodie distinguishes art songs from other French vocal pieces referred to as chansons.

What type of melody is Gretchen am Spinnrade?

With “Gretchen am Spinnrade” and some 600 other songs for voice and piano, Schubert contributed transformatively to the genre of Lied. “Gretchen am Spinnrade” was composed for soprano voice but has been transposed to accommodate other voice types.

Who is the romantic composer of the Gretchen am Spinnrade?

(1) Franz Schubert composed Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel) in 1814, when he was only seventeen years old.

What’s the meaning of texture in music?

Texture describes how layers of sound within a piece of music interact. Imagine that a piece of spaghetti is a melody line. One strand of spaghetti by itself is a single melody, as in a monophonic texture.

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