Is tecsun a good radio?

Is tecsun a good radio?

Plus,Tecsun has proven itself a competent radio manufacturer; the predecessors to the PL-880–i.e., the PL-660 and PL-600–are both excellent portables (I own both). Their smaller DSP radios are favorites of travelers and ultralight enthusiasts.

Which tecsun radio is best?

Tecsun PL-880
Best overall: Tecsun PL-880 Digital Shortwave Radio.

Does Sony still make shortwave radios?

SONY Japan declared in January that they ended the production of ICF-SW35 shortwave receiver. This means SONY will completely withdraw from the shortwave receiver market.

Is the tecsun PL 660 A good radio?

The Tecsun PL-660 does what it advertised. Shortwave to 30 MHz SSB capable… and when using it some of the signals sound fantastic. The BFO is effective and centered well on the frequency. Makes tuning in those contest stations easy.

How do I update my tecsun PL 880 firmware?

Tecsun sent them a little silver box with a cord that plugs into the radio just below the LCD screen. After removing the face plate, they merely plug in the cord, press a button and voilà, the firmware is upgraded to 8820, and no more soft mute problems.

What is the difference between shortwave and ham radio?

Shortwave is similar to a radio station, in that it is broadcast only. Ham radio is two-way communications, meaning a station can both transmit and receive.

Are Eton and Grundig the same company?

“Eton is independent of Grundig Germany and is a licensee for Grundig AG shortwave radios in the North American markets, as well as certain markets outside of North America except EEC markets,” explained a news release issued shortly after Grundig’s April bankruptcy by the Palo Alto, California-based radio firm.

Can I listen to shortwave radio on the Internet?

If you have a shortwave radio receiver of your own, you can use your SDR radio to connect it to your computer and listen in. If you live in an area where there’s too much interference to use traditional shortwave radio, you can also tune in and listen through someone with a server.

Where are Sony radios made?

Sony products made in China.

Do you need a license to operate a shortwave radio?

According to Ofcom, it’s legal to purchase a shortwave radio receiver or scanner without a license. You can use a shortwave radio to listen to channels over the airwaves as long as the device isn’t capable of transmittingmessages to other people.

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