What is Apache Solr?
Apache Solr has an extensive framework for performing fundamental text analysis, such as- removing common words known as stop words and performing additional complex analysis. To put-up, such power and flexibility, Solr’s text analysis framework can seem excessively complicated and intimidating for the new users.
Is it possible to add stop words to Solr list?
For this use case, it would be great if Solr exposed simple REST-style interface to list, add, and remove stop words. This would be preferred to the service requiring their users to upload text files to the Solr server.
How can I use Solr with a REST-style interface?
Consider a Web-based UI that offers Solr-as-a-Service where users need to configure a set of stop words and synonym mappings as part of an initial setup process for their search application. For this use case, it would be great if Solr exposed simple REST-style interface to list, add, and remove stop words.
Why can’t I make changes to the active Solr components?
Early in the design process, we decided that changes would not be applied to the active Solr components until the Solr core in single server mode or collection in cloud mode is reloaded. In other words, after adding or deleting a stop word, you must reload the core/collection before changes become active.