What is B2 level English test?

What is B2 level English test?

Take the test. Level B2 corresponds to independent users of the language, i.e. those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with native speakers.

How can I improve my B2 reading?

Here are some techniques to help you out:

  1. Read through the questions and answers first, and identify any keywords in both.
  2. The questions often appear in the same order as the text, but not always.
  3. Look for synonyms or similar ideas to the keywords as well.

What is B2 upper intermediate?

Skills at level B2 If a person is at B2, this is upper intermediate level. He/she can do the following: Understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation.

How do you become B2?

5 tips to help you reach B2 level English

  1. Read a lot. Downloading an app or following a blog like the one from ABA English are excellent ways to maintain a good reading comprehension level.
  2. Live the language.
  3. Talk with native speakers.

Is B2 advanced or intermediate?

Your English Level

Level Class Level CEFR Level*
7 Pre-advanced C1
6 Upper Intermediate B2
5 Intermediate B1
4 Low Intermediate B1

What grade level is upper intermediate?

Upper intermediate (EF SET score 51-60)

Is upper intermediate level good?

With an upper intermediate level, you could potentially work in an English-speaking environment, so this practice is very concrete. It includes tasks that measure your listening and reading skills, as well as your range of English grammar and vocabulary skills.

What is B2 equivalent to ielts?

5.5 – 6.0
How to tell if you’re at an B2 level in English

Test Score equivalent to the B2 levelĀ¹
EF SET 51 – 60
IELTS 5.5 – 6.0
TOEIC (R&L) Total 785 – 940
Cambridge English Scale 160 – 179

Is BEC equivalent to IELTS?

Employers prefer the international certificate in English BEC, because it not only confirms the level of proficiency in English, as IELTS, but also indicates competence in the field of business.

What is the other name for vitamin B2?

Riboflavin (also known as vitamin B2) is one of the B vitamins, which are all water soluble. Riboflavin is naturally present in some foods, added to some food products, and available as a dietary supplement.

Is BEC equivalent to ielts?

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