What does a bad watermelon look like on the inside?
If it smells tangy or sour, toss it out. Then, slice open your melon and look for deep pink or red flesh inside. If yours is any other color, or if the flesh looks gritty or shriveled, throw the watermelon away!
Is it safe to eat an unripe watermelon?
According to Treehugger, unlike other fruits, watermelons don’t continue ripening after they’ve been picked, so your best bet is to avoid choosing an unripe melon if you can. Eating watermelon that isn’t fully ripe isn’t dangerous, but it’s not as good as a ripe melon.
Is unripe watermelon white inside?
Watermelons take a lot of time to fully ripen and even once they look ripe on the outside, they may still be white on the inside. Lycopene is the phytonutrient that is responsible for the pink to red color in several fruits.
Can the inside of a watermelon be green?
Although these watermelons appear similar to the common red fleshed watermelons on the outside, bright green with darker green striping, the inside tells a different story. This makes them on average half the size of the normal red fleshed varieties.
Why is my watermelon soft inside?
Temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit can cause internal flesh breakdown and increase decay, causing the melon to become soft. The ideal temperature for storing watermelons is 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Store watermelons in a dry place; high humidity can encourage stem-end rot.
What can you do with unripe watermelon?
If your garden produces under-ripe watermelon, try your hand at a crisp and refreshing salad: Feta cheese, olives and mint or basil tossed with watermelon chunks.
Is it safe to eat white watermelon?
The rind—that white part of the fruit between the pink flesh and tough green skin—is not only edible, but it’s a potent source of nutrients that happen to be totally different than those in watermelon flesh. So, it’s almost like two fruits in one!
Why is my watermelon hard inside?
When a watermelon gets too ripe for its own good, the juicy crisp texture of the flesh can turn gritty and dry. If you cut it open, you might see the flesh actually pulling away from the seeds. If your watermelon is mealy, it’s still safe to eat.
Why is my watermelon all white inside?
If your watermelon flesh looks solid white instead of white-streaked, you can rule out white heart and consider whether you have planted the wrong watermelon seeds. This disorder can be caused by over-watering or over-feeding your watermelon patch, especially during the ripening process.
Why is my watermelon dry inside?
What does an unripe watermelon look like inside?
Look at its belly: Watermelons have an underside, or belly, which is in contact with the ground throughout its growth, called a ‘field spot’. This spot on a ripe watermelon will be yellowish (sometimes referred to as “buttery”), and not white, which indicates an unripe melon.
How do you know if a watermelon is overripe?
Slice the watermelon in half with a sharp knife and check the interior. If the pink flesh looks grainy or deteriorated in any way, the watermelon is overripe. In the store, use this method to check precut melons for ripeness.
How to tell when a watermelon is ripe?
Whenever you go watermelon shopping one of the first tell-tale signs of its ripeness is the ground spot. Just look for the yellow patch on the fruit. That patch shows that the watermelon was laying on the ground while growing. The more it grows, the more ripe it becomes, the bigger the spot.
What makes watermelon red inside?
The inside of a watermelon is not red; it’s black. It is only red when it is on the outside. It’s red (when it’s on the outside) because it absorbs all light except red light which it reflects.