What is Transhumeral prosthesis?

What is Transhumeral prosthesis?

A transhumeral prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces an arm missing above the elbow. Transhumeral amputees experience some of the same problems as transfemoral amputees, due to the similar complexities associated with the movement of the elbow.

What is transradial amputation?

A transradial amputation is a surgical procedure in which the radius and ulna (bones of the lower arm) are cut, and the lower portion of these bones and the hand are removed from the body.

What is Endoskeletal prosthesis?

The endoskeletal prosthesis has a tubular structure connecting the components and is covered by cosmetic foam. The primary components of the prosthesis are the socket, suspension system, foot, and knee unit. This terminology is different from that used by surgeons in describing the amputation levels.

What is BK prosthesis?

A below knee amputation prosthesis is an artificial replacement of an amputated leg and is more commonly used than other amputations. As the amputation is carried out below the knee the individual has the potential to walk very well. The Patella-Tendon Weight-bearing Prosthesis (PTB) Total-Surface Bearing Prosthesis.

What is needed for successful prosthetic rehabilitation after transtibial amputation?

After transtibial amputation, successful prosthetic rehabilitation requires the development of a comprehensive socket strategy inclusive of a socket design, interface materials, and suspension strategy. The most common variants in these design elements are described in Table 1.

What are the clinical practice guidelines for transitibial prostheses?

These clinical practice guidelines summarize the available evidence related to the socket design, interface, and suspension of definitive transitibial prostheses. The noted clinical practice guidelines are meant to serve on as “guides.” They may not apply to all patients and clinical situations.

What suspension mechanisms are used in the design of PTB sockets?

With the introduction of the PTB socket design, a number of anatomically based suspension mechanisms were used, including supracondylar socket contours and cuff-strap suspension.

What is the standard of care for transtibial sockets?

For many decades, the standard of care for transtibial sockets was the joint-and-corset model in which the load-bearing forces were split between the socket and a thigh corset.

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