What could lesions on the spleen be?

What could lesions on the spleen be?

Splenic lesions are commonly encountered and are often incidental in nature. Benign splenic vascular neoplasms include hemangioma, hamartoma, lymphangioma, extra-medullary hematopoiesis (EMH), and sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT).

How common are lesions on the spleen?

Splenic hemangioma is congenital and is the most common benign lesion of the spleen. It is typically an incidental finding, most often occurring in adults between 30 and 50 years of age (16). The prevalence of splenic hemangioma at autopsy ranges from 0.3% to 14%.

Is spleen hyperechoic?

At Gray-scale US, solid hydatid cysts of the spleen (type IV) appear iso- or hyperechoic with well-defined margins. Color Doppler shows no vascular signals, and it may be difficult to differentiate these cysts from other solid lesions of the spleen.

What are the symptoms of spleen problems?


  • Pain or fullness in the left upper belly that can spread to the left shoulder.
  • A feeling of fullness without eating or after eating a small amount because the spleen is pressing on your stomach.
  • Low red blood cells (anemia)
  • Frequent infections.
  • Bleeding easily.

What does spleen pain feel like?

Spleen pain is usually felt as a pain behind your left ribs. It may be tender when you touch the area. This can be a sign of a damaged, ruptured or enlarged spleen.

What do lesions on the liver and spleen mean?

Focal lesions in both liver and spleen are frequently reported at radiological examinations. These lesions often represent benign accumulations of Gaucher cells, so-called “gaucheroma”, but malignancies, especially hepatocellular carcinoma, are more frequently found in GD as well.

Can spleen lesions cause pain?

Hamartomas are benign splenic neoplasms asymptomatic in most of the cases. Symptoms, when present, may either be related to the growth of the mass with abdominal discomfort and pain or be related to a hypersplenism syndrome.

What does hyperechoic lesion mean?

According to the BI-RADS lexicon [1], a hyperechoic lesion is defined by an echogenicity greater than that of subcutaneous fat or equal to that of fibroglandular parenchyma. Only 1–6% of breast masses are hyperechoic and the great majority of them are benign.

Can spleen lesions be benign?

OBJECTIVE. Splenic lesions are commonly encountered and are often incidental in nature. Benign splenic vascular neoplasms include hemangioma, hamartoma, lymphangioma, extra-medullary hematopoiesis (EMH), and sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT).

What causes a hypodense lesion?

The causes of hypodense liver lesions are many and they could include benign liver cysts that have no symptoms or malignant tumors which are usually associated with certain symptoms.

What causes the spleen lesion?

Another possible cause of splenomegaly is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . This condition can cause inflammation of the lymph system. Because the spleen is part of the lymph system, this inflammation can cause the spleen to become enlarged.

What can cause splenic lesions?

Cause of Congenital Splenic Cyst – These splenic cysts are true cysts and are caused due to defects in developmental origin.

  • Cause of Inflammatory Splenic Cyst – These splenic cysts may be caused due to abscess and hydatid cysts.
  • Cause of Vascular Splenic Cyst – Vascular splenic cysts often result from peliosis and infarction.
  • What are the symptoms of spleen cancer?

    Abdominal swelling. Spleen is a small organ and located beneath the rib cage inside the left side of abdomen.

  • Fever and night sweats. Spleen cancer is types of B cell lymphomas which can cause fever in certain people.
  • Decreased appetency or Weight Loss. A swollen spleen will expand and press into close organs,like the digestive tube.
  • Itching.
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