How do you score a rumination scale?

How do you score a rumination scale?

To obtain scores on this scale, simply sum the scores on the 22 items. The original Response Styles Questionnaire also included Distraction and Problem- Solving subscales. Neither of these subscales have proven reliable or good predictors of depression change over time, so I am no longer distributing them.

What is a ruminating response style?

Rumination is a mode of responding to distress by passively focusing on the possible causes and consequences of one’s distress without moving into active problem-solving. Ruminative response style is correlated with depressive symptoms and predicts the development of future depressive episodes.

What state has the highest depression rate?

The states with the highest percentage of adults reporting symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder from September 29 – October 11, 2021 were Alaska (38.5%), Arkansas (37.8%), Oklahoma (37.7%), Rhode Island (37.3%), and Kentucky (36.2%).

How many people are affected by rumination disorder?

In two population-based studies, rumination syndrome had a prevalence of 0.8 to 0.9 percent of adults in the general population [5,6]. In patients with fibromyalgia or eating disorders, the prevalence of rumination syndrome may be as high as 7 to 8 percent [7,8].

What triggers rumination?

According to the American Psychological Association, some common reasons for rumination include: belief that by ruminating, you’ll gain insight into your life or a problem. having a history of emotional or physical trauma. facing ongoing stressors that can’t be controlled.

What is the short rumination scale used for?

This short rumination scale simply sums the scores. This score seems to be allowed to be used by researchers, given that the relevant work by Nolen-Hoeksma and colleagues is acknowledged and cited. This is a very straightforward scale item, all items are just summed.

What is the ruminative response scale for depression?

In order to assess the severity of depressive rumination, the 22-item Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) was developed, which asks subjects to report what they generally do when they feel sad, down, or depressed [ 3 ].

Does the Chinese version of the ruminative response scale have psychometric properties?

This study was aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the 10-item Ruminative Response Scale (RRS-10) in a large undergraduate sample. A sample of 5,236 university students finished the RRS and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D).

Is the ruminative response scale valid and reliable for Turkish samples?

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Internal Consistency Coefficient (Cronbach Alpha), and Convergent validity were used to assess cross-cultural equivalence of this particular instrument. Based on these results, The Ruminative Response Scale appears to be valid and reliable scale for Turkish samples.

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