What is beyond measure mean?

What is beyond measure mean?

Definition of beyond measure : to a very great degree an artist who is talented beyond (all) measure Her joy was beyond measure.

How do you use beyond measure in a sentence?

in excess or without limit.

  1. Mankind’s knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure.
  2. Her joy was beyond measure.
  3. Her work has improved beyond measure .
  4. He irritated me beyond measure.
  5. That notion, too, disturbed him beyond measure.
  6. She fascinates me beyond measure.
  7. He fascinates me beyond measure.

What does you are beyond words mean?

Beyond Words Meaning Definition: Unable to speak, overcome by emotion. This idiom can be used to show a variety of emotions. It expresses an extreme emotional response, such as joy, thankfulness, shock, or even anger. If you are beyond words, you are so overcome by emotion that you cannot speak clearly.

Is it beyond measure or beyond measures?

If you say that something has changed or that it has affected you beyond measure, you are emphasizing that it has done this to a great extent. Mankind’s knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure.

What’s the meaning of beyond compare?

Definition of beyond compare : better or greater than any other : having no equal The singer’s voice is beyond compare. beauty beyond compare.

How do you use the word beyond?

To such a great degree that one has been left speechless, whether literally or figuratively. I am just thrilled beyond words that so many of you were able to come to our baby shower! After our parents offered to help us buy our first home, we were appreciative beyond words.

What is the unlimited extending beyond measure or comprehension?

Lacking limits or bounds; extending beyond measure or comprehension: without beginning or end; endless. adjective. 2. (epithet) the Infinite (Being)

How do you describe something beyond words?

Something indescribable is too intense, extreme or unusual to describe. It’s beyond words. Still, this is a great word for when you feel like words just aren’t enough.

Who said Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure?

J.K. Rowling
Quote by J.K. Rowling: “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.”

What’s your deepest fear quote?

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Cole had all quoted Williamson’s “deepest fear” passage during graduation speeches — and all of them had attributed the quote to Nelson Mandela.

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