What words get hyphenated?

What words get hyphenated?

Generally, hyphenate two or more words when they come before a noun they modify and act as a single idea. This is called a compound adjective. When a compound adjective follows a noun, a hyphen is usually not necessary. Example: The apartment is off campus.

How many words is a hyphenated word?

Are hyphenated words one word or two? – Quora. Hyphenated words are a linking of two or more words into one entity that functions as one word with its own unique definition(s).

How do you hyphenate an already hyphenated word?

Always separate between syllables and, in the case of already hyphenated words, only where the hyphen occurs naturally. line or the beginning of a new one. DO NOT leave two-letter suffixes at the start of a line. DO NOT hyphenate proper nouns or proper adjectives.

Can you hyphenate three words?

Trigrams are sets of three words that are hyphenated. When you use three words together as a single thought describing or modifying a noun and you put them before the noun, you should hyphenate them: It was a matter-of-fact decision.

Does chocolate covered have a hyphen?

Hyphen Use However, when compound modifiers come after a noun, they are not hyphenated: The peanuts were chocolate covered. The author was well known.

Does a conjunction count as one word or two?

A conjunction is a word or phrase that connects words, phrases, clauses, and sentences together. The word and is a commonly used example of a conjunction. Here are two examples of how we can use a conjunction like and in both a simple and complex way: The flower is yellow and white.

Do you capitalize word after hyphen?

For hyphenated compounds, it recommends: Always capitalize the first element. If the first element is merely a prefix or combining form that could not stand by itself as a word (anti, pre, etc.), do not capitalize the second element unless it is a proper noun or proper adjective.

Should test taker be hyphenated?

A. Following Chicago style, we would hyphenate “test taking” only when it’s an adjective. Otherwise, we would keep it open. We follow Merriam-Webster for closed compound nouns and adjectives, and “testtaker” doesn’t appear there.

Should full page be hyphenated?

Use a hyphen after full or well when it’s used in a compound modifier immediately before a noun, unless the word itself is modified: a full-page advertisement; a well-known author (not hyphenated: a very well known author).

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

Full Answer. Over-the-counter, one-half and merry-go-round are examples of hyphenated compound words. Modifying compound words placed before nouns are typically hyphenated for clarity. However, compound words that are placed after nouns are open compounds. Examples are “part-time teacher” and “a teacher that works part time.”.

Are hyphenated word considered one word or two words?

Is a hyphenated word considered one word or two words? It’s pretty much optional, depending on what the writer wants to emphasize. For the age, only the number is hyphenated (twenty-eight). Here is how it should be: Twenty-eight year old.

How do you spell hyphenated?

hyphenate – divide or connect with a hyphen; “hyphenate these words and names”. hyphen. spell, write – write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word); “He spelled the word wrong in this letter”.

How to use “hyphen” in a sentence?

An en dash (-) is most commonly used to indicate a range of numbers. An em dash (-) is most often used to indicate a break in thought or to set an appositive off from the rest of the sentence. Hyphens are used to connect two words into a single concept, such as with 2-liter bottle, or old-time traditions. Hyphens are half the length of a dash.

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