What exercise replaces face pulls?

What exercise replaces face pulls?

Similar exercises that work the same muscles

  • dumbbell row.
  • lat pulldown.
  • rear cable fly.
  • rear delt dumbbell fly.
  • pullups.

What can I do instead of reverse Flyes?

21 Reverse Fly Alternatives for Massive Delts

  • Lying Supine Cable Crossovers.
  • Bent Over One Arm Cable Rear Delt Raise.
  • Reverse Butterfly.
  • Lying One Arm Side Delt Raise.
  • Band Rear Delt Fly.
  • Horizontal Pull Apart.
  • Band High Low Pull Apart.
  • Single Arm Band Pull Apart.

Is face pulls enough for rear delts?

Face pulls are a great exercise for the rear deltoids, trapezius, and upper back muscles. The anterior and lateral heads of the deltoid are often worked far more than the posterior, or “rear delts,” because they’re involved in pushing and pressing exercises.

Is a reverse fly a push or pull?

A back fly is a pull motion. It is neither. It is an isolation exercise for the pectorals. A proper push would engage the triceps.

What muscles does rear delt fly work?

The rear delt fly, also known as the rear delt raise or the bent-over dumbbell reverse fly, is a weight training exercise that targets your upper back muscles and shoulder muscles, particularly the posterior deltoids, or rear deltoids, on the backside of your shoulders.

What can I use instead of glute ham raises?

The 7 Best Alternative Exercises to The Glute Ham Raise

  • Stability Ball Roll Unders.
  • Cable Pull Throughs.
  • Good Mornings.
  • Romanian Deadlifts.
  • Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift.
  • Barbell GHR.
  • Kettlebell Swings.

Are rear delts shoulders or back?

Is reverse fly back or shoulder?

Laskowski, M.D.: The reverse fly is an exercise you can do with dumbbells to target the muscles in the upper back. During a reverse fly, you work the rhomboid muscles in your upper back and shoulder region. Strong upper back muscles help balance your shoulder strength and help protect your shoulder from injury.

What muscles do face pulls work?


  • rhomboids
  • trapezius
  • core muscles
  • What are reverse fly exercises?

    The reverse fly is an exercise that targets the upper back and shoulders while using barbells or even the body’s own natural resistance to build muscle. As with any weightlifting exercise, practice proper form to prevent injury or strain.

    What is a face pull exercise?

    The face pull is a dynamic exercise that increases strength in the shoulders, more specifically the rear regions of the shoulder. This exercise also develops strength in the forearms. Stand in front of a medium-height rotating pulley and grab each side of the rope attachment.

    What is a cable face pull?

    Cable Face Pull Overview. The cable face pull is a great shoulder exercise that can be used to target the rear deltoids. Not many exercises can effectively target the rear delts like the cable face pull can.

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