Is 72 DPI good enough for Web?

Is 72 DPI good enough for Web?

If you’ve ever had to communicate with someone about creating/resizing images for the web, I’ll bet you’ve heard a lot about “72 DPI”. As in, “images for the web should be 72 DPI while images for print should be at least 300 DPI”.

How do I resize an image to 72 DPI?

To change an image’s DPI in Photoshop, go to Image > Image Size. Uncheck Resample Image, because this setting will upscale your image, which will make it lower quality. Now, next to Resolution, type in your preferred resolution, set as Pixels/Inch.

What DPI is best for web?

72 DPI
They are saying that images for the web should be 72 DPI, compared to images needed for printing which should be 300 DPI”.

Why do we use 72 DPI?

Here is why. In the 1980’s, computer screens did have resolutions of 72 DPI, it was because dot matrix printers printed at 144 DPI, so what you saw on the screen was going to be roughly equal to what was printed on a 2 to 1 scale. Some smartphones even display at up to 500 dpi.

What is DPI conversion to pixels?

dpi↔pixel/ft 1 dpi = 12 pixel/ft.

How do I change from 72 dpi to 300dpi?


  1. Open your file in Photoshop.
  2. Click IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE. You should see a few different numbers, Like the Width, Height, and Resolution of your image.
  3. Uncheck the “Resample” checkbox. Type 300 into the Resolution box.
  4. Click “OK”
  5. Click FILE > SAVE.

Is 72 dpi the same as 72 PPI?

DPI is number of dots required per square inch of the paper. There is no relation between the two. 72 ppi would basically mean, the resolution of the screen is set to such a value, that 72 pixels are there in one square inch of the screen.

Can I save images at 72 dpi for the web?

Saving images “for web” has nothing to do with saving them at 72 DPI (or ppi, pixels per inch) resolution. An image’s resolution will have no effect on how it appears on your screen. Here is why.

What does 72 dpi mean on a Mac screen resolution?

The 72 dpi for screen resolution was an early attempt on Macs to get a one to one correspondence between screen resolution and “old fashioned” print measuresments. 12 pixels on a mac screen should be the same as a 12pt font printed out.

What is the correct resolution for images on the web?

If you’ve been around computers and digital images for a while, especially if you’re a web designer or a photographer publishing your photos online, you’ve no doubt heard it said that the correct resolution for images displayed on the web, or on computer screens in general, is 72 pixels per inch (ppi).

What does “72 dpi” mean in photography?

This is also an instant give-away that someone is clueless about digital photography – when they request full-resolution images as “72 dpi” images. That measurement there has no relation to the digital image you have … until you start measuring image size in inches or centimeters.

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