What is arterial anastomosis?

What is arterial anastomosis?

An anastomosis refers to any join between two vessels. Circulatory anastomoses are named based on the vessels they join: two arteries (arterio-arterial anastomosis), two veins (veno-venous anastomosis), or between an artery and a vein (arterio-venous anastomosis).

What does Subscapular artery anastomose with?

The subscapular artery, the largest branch of the axillary artery, arises from the third part of the axillary artery at the lower border of the subscapularis muscle, which it follows to the inferior angle of the scapula, where it anastomoses with the lateral thoracic and intercostal arteries, and with the descending …

What does the circumflex scapular artery anastomose with?

The circumflex scapular artery gives rise to several branches: Perforating muscular arteries, which supply the posterior aspect of the deltoid, long head of triceps brachii and teres minor. The large muscular arteries give rise to smaller branches which anastomose with the ascending branch of deep brachial artery.

What muscles does the Subscapular artery supply?


  • subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.
  • latissimus dorsi muscle.
  • serratus anterior muscle.

What is around the scapula?

The pectoral girdle has a rich plexus of arterial vessels that anastomose around the scapula and its muscles known as the scapular anastomosis. It functions to allow blood to flow around the scapula and shoulder joint if there is injury or occlusion.

What are two branches of Subscapular artery?

Subscapular artery

Origin Axillary artery
Branches Thoracodorsal artery, circumflex scapular artery
Supply Deltoid muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, long head of triceps brachii muscle, subscapularis muscle, supraspinatus muscle, infraspĪ¹natus muscle, serratus anterior muscle, adjacent skin

What does the thoracodorsal artery supply?

The thoracodorsal artery supplies predominantly the latissimus dorsi muscle but also gives branches to the serratus anterior muscle, the axillary skin, the subscapular and teres major muscles.

What does the Thoracodorsal artery supply?

What is dorsal scapular artery?

The dorsal scapular artery (DSA) supplies the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles, and contributes to the arterial anastomosis around the scapula. The origin that is most frequently cited is as a branch of the subclavian artery, and, to a lesser extent, as a branch of the thyrocervical trunk.

What artery supplies blood to the scapula?

The subscapular trunk is typically the largest branch of the axillary artery. It gives rise to the scapular circumflex artery and the thoracodorsal artery. The scapular circumflex artery runs through the triangular space and provides blood to the scapular region.

What is a scapular and why have one?

The scapular (from Latin scapulae, “shoulders”) is a Western Christian garment suspended from the shoulders. As an object of popular piety, it serves to remind the wearers of their commitment to live a Christian life.

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