What is a subgaleal collection?

What is a subgaleal collection?

A subaponeurotic (subgaleal) fluid collection is an extracranial accumulation of fluid occurring between the scalp aponeurosis and the periosteum that characteristically presents as a soft, nontender, ill-defined, highly mobile, fluctuant scalp swelling not limited by suture lines.

What does subgaleal mean?

A subgaleal hematoma (SGH), also known as a subgaleal hemorrhage, is a serious complication that occurs when blood accumulates outside of the baby’s skull (extracranially) (1).

Where is the subgaleal space in the skull?

A subgaleal hemorrhage is an accumulation of blood within the loose connective tissue of the subgaleal space, which is located between the galea aponeurotica and the periosteum (figure 1).

What is a subgaleal Haematoma?

Subgaleal hematoma (SGH), a collection of blood in the space between the periosteum and galea aponeurotica, is caused by rupture of the emissary veins. It is usually observed in neonates after delivery by vacuum assistance and in children with minimal head trauma, such as hair combing or braiding.

When does caput Succedaneum resolve?

Caput succedaneum typically resolves without the need for intervention within a couple of days following delivery. When there are no additional injuries or risks factors, a case of cephalohematoma typically resolves without the need for intervention within 2 to 6 weeks following delivery.

How long does a Subgaleal hematoma last?

SGH may be misdiagnosed as cephalohematomas or caput succedaneum. ♣ Cephalhematoma is the collection of blood under the periosteum and does not cross the suture lines. Cephalhematomas are firm masses that will resolve in 2 weeks to 6 months.

How long does it take for Subgaleal hematoma to resolve?

Subgaleal hematomas may progress over the first 24 hours and usually resolve after 2 to 3 weeks. Problematic subgaleal hematomas may not manifest until significant blood volume has been lost and altered mental status, pallor, hypotonia, apnea, and other symptoms related to hemorrhagic shock develop.

What is Moulding and caput?

The extent of overlapping of fetal skull bones is called moulding, and it can produce a pointed or flattened shape to the baby’s head when it is born (Figure 4.5). Figure 4.6 A caput (swelling) of the fetal skull is normal if it develops centrally, but not if it is displaced to one side.

What is the difference between caput and cephalohematoma?

Caput succedaneum is similar to cephalohematoma as both involve unusual bumps or swelling on the newborn’s head. However, the main difference is that lumps caused by bleeding under the scalp is cephalohematoma, whereas lumps caused by scalp swelling due to pressure is known as caput succedaneum.

How is caput succedaneum treated?

No treatment is necessary for this condition, and there should be no long-term effects. The swelling should decrease within several days, and the scalp should appear normal within days or weeks. A large or swollen head is a normal symptom of this condition.

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