What is the best definition of a protocol?

What is the best definition of a protocol?

Protocol is defined as the rules and customs of a group or a standard procedure. An example of protocol is the method by which a learning center must document their students’ progress. noun.

What is the out meaning of Sweltered?

1 : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat. 2 : to become exceedingly hot in summer, the place swelters. transitive verb. 1 : to oppress with heat.

How do you use the word protocol?

Protocol in a Sentence ?

  1. Harold broke protocol when he approached the queen without being summoned.
  2. Following the appropriate protocol will ensure you do not offend the visiting dignitaries.
  3. The new teacher violated school protocol by going directly to the principal instead of first seeking out her grade level chair.

What are the health protocols?

Health and safety protocols

  • Wear a mask or face covering in common areas and avoid touching your face.*
  • Practice physical distancing.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue then throw that tissue in the trash.
  • Disinfect used surfaces and frequently touched objects.

Is protocol the same as a rule?

A protocol is a rule which describes how an activity should be performed, especially in the field of diplomacy. In diplomatic services and governmental fields of endeavor protocols are often unwritten guidelines.

Why is it important to have a protocol?

Protocols are basically needed because it’s important for the receiver to UNDRSTAND the sender. In computer communications, protocols also make sure the message gets to its destination properly, in entirety, and with out distortion. Answer: Protocols are simply rules for communication.

What is the meaning of Swelt?

Definition of swelt intransitive verb. 1 dialectal. a : die, perish. b : faint, swoon. 2 dialectal : to become oppressed by heat : swelter, suffocate.

Why is it important to have protocols?

WHAT IS protocols in health and social care?

Protocols are agreed frameworks outlining the care that will be provided to patients in a designated area of practice, such as vision health screening for people who have diabetes. They do not describe how a procedure is performed, but why, where, when and by whom the care is given.

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