What size tires can you put on a 17 inch rim?

What size tires can you put on a 17 inch rim?

The largest tire size that will fit on a 17-inch rim is a 54-inch tire in diameter (54/19.5R17). The bigger the tire, the more grip and stability on the road while driving and turning.

Can a 18 inch tire fit on a 17 inch rim?

Will a tire with a 17″ or a 18″ diameter work with a 17.5 rim? – Quora. No, a tire with a 17 or 18″ diameter will not work on a rim with a 17.5″ diameter. Putting a 17″ tire on the rim will tear it up and the bead will not seat if you attempt to put the 18″ tire on the rim.

What size tires are 265 70R17?

Plus Sizes

265/70-17 285/70-17
Diameter inches (mm) 31.61 (802.8) 32.71 (830.8)
Width inches (mm) 10.43 (265) 11.22 (285)
Circum. inches (mm) 99.29 (2522.07) 102.76 (2610.04)
Sidewall Height inches (mm) 7.3 (185.5) 7.85 (199.5)

Can any tire fit on any rim?

Wheels and tires are not interchangeable words. Tires are a part of the wheel setup. For instance, your vehicle has a set size of rims, but you can buy different sizes of tires to fit those rims, as long as the middle of the tires is the correct size.

Can I put bigger tires on my stock rims?

To keep the suspension and speedometer functioning correctly, both the stock diameter and width of the wheels and tires needs to be maintained. As a general rule of thumb, it’s safe to fit a tire up to 20 millimeters wider than stock on the original rim.

Are 17-inch wheels better than 16 inch?

The smaller 16-inch wheels come with tyres that have larger sidewalls that act as cushions against sharp edges on the roads, like ruts and potholes. While 17-inch tyres look much better, the shorter sidewalls aren’t as good in filtering out road shocks.

Can I put 17-inch rims on my car?

If you want to install 17-inch wheels, you will have to use a tire with a smaller height in order to maintain an overall (wheel + tire) diameter close to 25.6 inches. So you need a tire height of half of (25.6 – 17), or 4.3 inches.

What’s the difference between R17 and R18 tires?

It comes down to more subjective measures, apparently. The smaller 17-inch tires represent the most comfortable ride thanks to the larger sidewall. The 18-inch tires create a bit more road noise, and this is further exacerbated when the car jumps up to the 19-inch wheels and tires.

What size tires on a 17×9 wheel?

Also most 245X45X17 tires are approved to be used on a 17X9 wheel, and while looking a tad narrow, they probably measure a little over 245 MM on wider 9″ wheel. I run 255X40X18 (26.1″ diameter) on my 18X9 FR 500 wheels.

Where can I buy cheap rims?

Be positive that you know the year,make,and model of your vehicle. For example,this could be – 2001,Chevrolet,Malibu.

  • Search the internet first for cheap rims. There are numerous websites like tire rack,and discount tire that sell cheap rims online.
  • Don’t forget about eBay and Craigslist.
  • What are tire rims?

    Rims: Functional Automotive Components. In order for a set of tires to function optimally, they must be mounted on a quality set of rims. Rims are often referred to as wheels, however, there is a slight difference. A wheel is a complete wheel set-up, including rims and tires, while rims are the objects that the tire is mounted to.

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