What is Kerberos authentication ticket?

What is Kerberos authentication ticket?

An authentication ticket, also known as a ticket-granting ticket (TGT), is a small amount of encrypted data that is issued by a server in the Kerberos authentication model to begin the authentication process. In the Kerberos model, all tickets are time-stamped and have limited lifetimes.

What validates the authenticator and examines the TGT?

KDC (TGS) validates the TGT and the Authenticator, then sends the following to the client: Service ticket, encrypted with the Server key. The Service ticket includes client/Server session key, client principal, ticket lifetime, KDC timestamp, client IP address.

What is pre Authentication failed?

The error Preauthentication failed while getting initial credentials happens when the password is incorrect. The customer is using a keytab file for the kinit, so it is most likely that the password has been changed on the Windows server, and thus the keytab file is no longer valid.

What is Kerberos realm name?

A Kerberos realm is the domain over which a Kerberos authentication server has the authority to authenticate a user, host or service. A realm name is often, but not always the upper case version of the name of the DNS domain over which it presides.

What is the event ID for authentication ticket 4768?

If the username and password are correct and the user account passes status and restriction checks, the DC grants the TGT and logs event ID 4768 (authentication ticket granted). If the ticket request fails Windows will either log this event, 4768 or 4771 with failure as the type.

Why am I getting an error code 4768 in the DC?

The DC doesn’t have a certificate installed for smart cards (Domain Controller or Domain Controller Authentication templates). This error code can’t occur in event 4768, but it can occur in 4771.

Why am I getting an error code 4768 in Salesforce?

This can happen because the wrong certificate authority (CA) is being queried or the proper CA can’t be contacted. The DC doesn’t have a certificate installed for smart cards (Domain Controller or Domain Controller Authentication templates). This error code can’t occur in event 4768, but it can occur in 4771. No information.

How do I find the Kerberos event ID 4768?

Windows logs other instances of event ID 4768 when a computer in the domain needs to authenticate to the DC typically when a workstation boots up or a server restarts. In these instances, you’ll find a computer name in the User Name and fields. Computer generated kerberos events are always identifiable by the $ after the computer account’s name.

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