What are some extreme words?

What are some extreme words?


  • dire.
  • drastic.
  • egregious.
  • exaggerated.
  • exceptional.
  • excessive.
  • extraordinary.
  • Is there a word insightful?

    characterized by or displaying insight; perceptive.

    What is the synonym of insightful?

    In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for insightful, like: enlightening, eye-opening, thought-provoking, humorous, provocative, witty, engaging, erudite, perceptive, incisive and thoughtful.

    What is a word for very detailed?

    accurate, complicated, comprehensive, definite, exact, exhaustive, intricate, meticulous, precise, specific, thorough, amplified, circumstantiated, complete, described, developed, disclosed, elaborate, enumerated, exhausting.

    Is Uninsightful a word?

    No, uninsightful is not in the scrabble dictionary.

    What are words of insight?

    Some common synonyms of insight are acumen, discernment, discrimination, penetration, and perception.

    What is another word for insightful?

    Insightful: having or showing deep understanding and intelligent application of knowledge. Synonyms: discerning, perceptive, prudent… Antonyms: unperceptive, unwise… Find the right word.

    What are some English words with deep meanings?

    Now here’s a list of 65 English words with deep meanings: Bibliopole – a dealer in books, especially rare or decorative ones. Callipygian – having shapely buttocks. Sabaism – the worship of stars or of spirits in them, especially as practiced in ancient Arabia and Mesopotamia. Mundivagant – archaic word for “wandering over the world.”

    What does it mean to have a deep understanding of literature?

    having or showing deep understanding and intelligent application of knowledge. a critical study featuring an insightful analysis of the novelist’s recurring themes.

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