What are Brontos good for in Ark?

What are Brontos good for in Ark?

You can use them to transport goods a long way, but sometimes you have more than the bronto can carry, so, if you pack your resources on something like a high level parasaur or iguanodon, and put it on the platform saddle, it only takes the Dinos drag weight, not resource weight, allowing you to carry tons of materials …

What is a scorpion in Ark good for?

This is a incredibly useful and efficient way to tame fast fleeing dinosaur’s such as the Oviraptor and is very accessible as scorpions are an easy low level tame only requiring spoiled meat and narcotics to tame. This strategy can be very helpful for increasing egg laying for early level Survivor’s tames.

What do Scorpions drop in Ark?


  • Raw Meat.
  • Chitin.

Can you train scorpions?

Scorpions are “Hands-Off” Pets That Cannot be Tamed However, they are mainly guided by instinct, and cannot in any way be tamed, trained or “trusted” – they will not bond with people.

How many tranq arrows does it take to knockout a Bronto?

It only took 14 tranq arrows just as dododex said,dododex is very usefu.

What should I upgrade on Bronto?

Among many upgrade possibilities, the most popular upgrades include an ultrasonic collision guard, work lights and cameras. You can also upgrade to a user-friendly Bronto 5+ control system.

What is the best weapon to knock out dinosaurs in Ark?

To knock out a dinosaur in ARK: Survival Evolved, you must hit it with an torpor-inflicting weapon, such as tranq arrows, tranq darts, a Pulmonoscorpius or even your fists. Each dinosaur has a set torpor amount that must be filled out before it gets knocked out.

Can you Bola a scorpion?

If you wish to tame an army of scorpions it wouldn’t be unlikely. They can be easily restrained with a bola. All you have to do is trap them and punch them unconscious from behind, then feed spoiled meat which will tame them quickly.

What is the name of the Scorpion in Ark?

Untameable Cave The Pulmonoscorpius (Pul-mon-oh-skor-pee-us), or simply Scorpion, is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.

How do you kill a Bronto?

We usually take our two level 10 – 20 raptors and kill mutliple brontos easy. tranq arrow is your mistake, a low level bronto (up to lvl 5) goes down in 30-35 normal arrows. With good aim you can shoot from far enough away that the bronto is dead before he reaches you.

Can Scorpions be tamed in water Ark?

They can also surpass most land creatures in water. In ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile, Scorpions that are tamed in caves will be ignored by other wild creatures. This also applies if it has a rider. Pulmonoscorpius is the first early-game tame that can help approach the Artifact of the Strong safely.

Can A Level 7 Spino kill a Brontos?

I saw a level 7 spino that had fought. and killed my three dillos and had like 30 arrows in it kill a level 7 bronto, but that is all I know My new raptor has 666.6 health and around 300% dmg , he can easily take brontos+trexes+spinos (looses around 15% hp only)

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