Is Darth Maul stronger than Darth Vader?

Is Darth Maul stronger than Darth Vader?

Considering his infamy, it’s hard to deny that Darth Vader is the more powerful of the two, but his victory over Maul wouldn’t come easily. His older, heavier form could be at a disadvantage when fighting someone as agile and fast as Darth Maul.

Could Vader beat Maul?

Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader would be able to defeat Maul. Both variations of him are the strongest beings with the force and can use and manipulate it with ease.

Who was stronger Qui Gon or Obi Wan?

Obi-Wan was outdueled, true. But he held his own against the much more experienced Darth Maul—heck, he did better than Qui-Gon (who was widely regarded as one of the strongest Jedi Masters). Obi-Wan at least managed to slice off half of Maul’s saber and land a kick before being disarmed.

Is Obi Wan stronger than Vader?

But Vader has always been stronger than Obi Wan. During their first fight on Mustafar Dark Side Anakin was immensely more powerful than Obi Wan. In fact just about every source from or about that time puts Knightfall Vader on the level of Yoda and Sidious. “Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us!”

Why is Dooku not Darth?

Originally Answered: In the Star Wars movies, why didn’t Count Dooku go by his Sith name, Darth Tyranus? Because it wasn’t positive press with the public. By the time of the beginning of the clone wars dooku was the head of his house he only gained the title of “count” when he left the jedi order.

Who is stronger maul or Ahsoka?

Ahsoka continued to grow stronger as she grew older, so she was definitely stronger than Maul by Rebels era, though Maul would still have a good chance against her.

Is Obi Wan more powerful than Darth Vader?

Darth Vader defeated Obi-Wan in A New Hope, but it’s because Kenobi let him. Despite his loss (which was really a win), Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Anakin as Vader, before he became mostly machine in Revenge of the Sith. Kenobi also defeated General Grievous and Darth Maul (twice) in single combat.

Who’s stronger Obi Wan or Anakin?

Originally Answered: Who was more powerful, Anakin or Obi Wan? Anakin was more powerful, physically and with the Force, but Obi-Wan had ten thousand times his skill, discipline and composure. Obi-Wan lost to Dooku who Anakin defeated, but would beat Anakin all day.

Is Mace Windu more powerful than Obi-Wan?

Short Answer: Mace wins due to better combative viability. Long Answer: Mace Windu takes this quite handily. While Obi Wan is likely the greatest master of Soresu in the Galaxy’s history, something mace states himself in the ROTS Novel, there is still a problem that most don’t realize.

Who can beat Obi-Wan?

While Dooku was able to defeat Obi-Wan, nearly killing him, he could not best Anakin. At the urging of Chancellor Palpatine, the young Jedi beheaded the Sith Lord. Anakin carried an unconscious Obi-Wan on his back, and the three returned to Coruscant.

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