How do I use BTK for gypsy moths?

How do I use BTK for gypsy moths?

How effective is Btk in controlling gypsy moth caterpillars? When properly applied, Btk kills 80%- 85% of gypsy moth caterpillars with each spray. After two consecutive sprays that are timed about 2 weeks apart, approximately 99% of caterpillars will be killed.

Will Bt kill moths?

Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) is the best known and most widely used strain of Bt. It kills the larvae of many types of moths and butterflies.

How do you keep gypsy moths away?

Tanglefoot Pest Barrier can be placed around tree trunks to help curtail the caterpillars movement into and out of the tree canopy. Apply Bacillus thuringiensis, var. kurstaki or Monterey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad) to the leaves of trees to kill gypsy moth caterpillars.

How long does it take for BTK to work?

by the caterpillar to be effective. After ingestion of a sufficient product dose, feeding stops immediately and death will follow in 2-5 days. DO NOT allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 18 hours.

When should I spray BTK?

The spray must be applied while the early instar larvae are actively hatching and feeding on the foliage, usually early to mid-May. Within about two to three hours of consuming the product, the larvae stop feeding and die within a few days (City of Regina 2016).

Does spraying for gypsy moths work?

Evaluation of previous programs over the past few decades have shown that aerial sprays are highly effective for controlling many forest pests including gypsy moths. Large areas can be treated in just a few hours. Most droplets reach the ground within 10 minutes of application.

How much does it cost to spray for gypsy moths?

The cost of spraying utilizing this type of aircraft is estimated at $876.00/ha. The cost of spraying 118.7 ha is $104,000. There are additional costs of $4,400 associated with mobilizing and providing ground support for the helicopter.

What kills gypsy moth caterpillars on contact?

Here’s a solution with a dual benefit: using a high-powered hose, such as a pressure washer or a fire hose, to spray the caterpillars and moths out of the trees and then do away with them once they hit the ground. Yes, we’re talking squishing them.

Can you spray for gypsy moth?

Bacillus thuringiensis (Btk) is the most common commercial product used to control large-scale gypsy moth infestations and has been extensively used in previous aerial control programs against gypsy moth in both Canada and the United States.

How often can I spray BTK?

Number of applications: There are usually three applications of Btk, ideally spaced 10 days apart. The actual time between sprays will depend on insect development and weather.

Is it too late to spray for gypsy?

Answer: The best time to apply Btk is early to late May when the caterpillars are small. Btk is less effective in older more mature caterpillars and highly ineffective during the Gypsy Moth’s non-feeding life stages – eggs, pupa and adult moths.

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