How is a LeFort 1 done?

How is a LeFort 1 done?

During the LeFort I surgery, the upper jaw (or maxilla) is separated from the rest of the face and repositioned. This repositioning of the bones of the face is also called orthognathic surgery. Once separated, the upper jaw can be moved up, down, forward, backward, tilted, or turned.

What is maxillary impaction?

Openbite (Maxillary Impaction) This type of Orthognathic Surgery in conjunction with orthodontics is used to correct when the upper jaw did not grow to the proper position and the front teeth cannot touch (anterior openbite)

What is the CPT code for LeFort 1 osteotomy?

D7943 Osteotomy – mandibular rami with bone graft; includes obtaining the graft
D7944 Osteotomy – segmented or subapical
D7945 Osteotomy – body of mandible
D7946-D7947 LeFort I (maxilla – total (maxilla – segmented)

What is 3 piece LeFort 1 osteotomy?

The LeFort I osteotomy is one of the most commonly used procedures to correct midface deformities. It allows for correction in three dimensions including advancement, retrusion, elongation, and shortening.

Is LeFort safe?

Overall, the LeFort 1 osteotomy is a common, predictable, and safe orthognathic intervention with reliable long-term results.

How do you fix a vertical maxillary excess?

A gummy smile caused by vertical maxillary excess (VME) cannot be treated satisfactorily with adjunctive surgical approaches such as botulinum toxin injection or a crown lengthening procedure. An ideal treatment option for VME is the reduction of the maxillary vertical dimension by LeFort I osteotomy.

What is a 3 piece LeFort 1 osteotomy?

What is a LeFort 3 fracture?

A Le Fort III fracture includes fracture of the nasofrontal junction, bilateral fractures through the area of the frontozygomatic suture, and probable fractures of the zygomatic arch. These fractures are also referred to as craniofacial dysjunction.

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