What is a dependency mediation?

What is a dependency mediation?

Dependency mediation provides a non-adversarial setting in which a mediator assists the parties in reaching fully informed and mutually acceptable resolution that focuses on the child’s safety and best interest and the safety of all family members.

What is a child dependency case?

Juvenile or child dependency proceedings determine whether a child’s parent or guardian is abusive or neglectful. In dependency proceedings, the juvenile court may temporarily or permanently remove the child from the parent’s home.

What is dependency mediation in Florida?

A dependency mediator is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator. A dependency mediator assists parties and participants in determining how to promote the best interests of children.

What happens at a child dependency hearing?

At this hearing, the court decides if the child(ren) will return to the custody of their parent(s)/guardian(s). If not, the court will cancel the services so the child(ren) can receive a permanent plan. The court will set a hearing to decide a permanency plan for the child(ren).

What is a dependency finding?

A dependency finding does not require proof of actual harm. Rather, all that must be proven is that a clear and present danger to the child’s health, welfare, and safety exists.

What can I expect from mediation?

Parties will first meet together with the mediator. The mediator will likely have everyone introduce themselves and will explain the process. The mediator will also remind everyone to be professional and civil. The mediator will then give each side an opportunity to explain the dispute and their position.

Can social services take my baby without a court order?

Social services’ main aim it to protect the child. Social services do not have the authority to decide when to remove a child. If they believe the child to be at risk of significant harm, they can’t remove the child from the home unless a court order has been granted.

What are dependency hearings?

Dependency court hearings are initiated when the social worker from the Children & Family Services Department files a petition with the court. The petition identifies the child(ren) and parent(s) involved with the case, and describes the allegations of abuse or neglect against the child(ren).

Is dependency a form of neglect?

Dependency and neglect cases arise when a parent is accused of neglecting or abusing their children. It is not a criminal case, but a civil case that encourages parents to make positive life changes to improve the welfare and safety of their children.

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