How do I find my SharePoint username?

How do I find my SharePoint username?

There are many methods to get User ID in SharePoint Online:

  1. You can use JavaScript to get User ID in SharePoint Online. Just use _spPageContextInfo object.
  2. You can use SharePoint REST API to get User ID by User Name:
  3. You can Get User ID using CSOM powershell:

How to get user ID in SharePoint 2013 using rest API?

Get Current User Id Using REST API In SharePoint

  1. ‘use strict’;
  2. var hostweburl;
  3. var appweburl;
  4. var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
  5. var user = context.get_web().get_currentUser();
  6. // This code runs when the DOM is ready and creates a context object which is.
  7. // needed to use the SharePoint object model.

How do I find my username for SharePoint 2013?


  1. $web = $site.RootWeb.
  2. $strLoginName = $web.CurrentUser.LoginName$strID = $web.CurrentUser.ID$strName = $web.CurrentUser.Name.
  3. Write – Host ” Current User Id : “
  4. $strID – ForegroundColor green;
  5. Write – Host ” Current User Login Name : “
  6. $strLoginName – ForegroundColor green;
  7. Write – Host ” Current User Name : “

What is a SharePoint profile?

SharePoint in Microsoft 365. The User Profile service stores information about users in a central location. It enables My Sites, social computing features such as social tagging and newsfeeds, and creating and distributing profiles across multiple sites and farms.

How do I find my Powerapps username?

Show user details

  1. On the Insert tab, click or tap Media, and then click or tap Image.
  2. Set the Image property to this formula: User().Image.
  3. On the Insert tab, click or tap Text, and then click or tap Label:
  4. Set the Text property to this formula:
  5. Add another label, and set its Text property to this formula:

What is principal ID in SharePoint?

Principal ID is an integer value that represents an SP user ID or a group ID. If we don’t have the required user or group stored in the ‘Person or Group’ type field in the list, we can get the Principal id with the help of REST API. For SharePoint users, we will need the user email for the REST call.

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