When working on barges OSHA specifically?

When working on barges OSHA specifically?

When working on barges, OSHA specifically requires that decks and other working surfaces be maintained in a safe condition. The raised frame, as around a hatchway in the deck, to keep out water.

When working on barges employees are not permitted to?

Working surfaces of barges. Employees shall not be permitted to walk along the sides of covered lighters or barges with coamings more than 5 feet high, unless there is a 3-foot clear walkway, or a grab rail, or a taut handline is provided. Decks and other working surfaces shall be maintained in a safe condition.

What is barge unloading?

The loading process is the responsibility of the loader operator at the loading facility. Barge unloading. Barge unloading should be conducted in a manner that minimizes the amount of cargo spilled onto the deck. The unloading process is the responsibility of the unloader operator at the unloading facility.

Are barges safe?

Just as on tugboats, there’s no shortage of dangers on a barge. Deck barges are confined spaces with limited room for movement, and the equipment being used on-board needs to be properly maintained to avoid mechanical-related accidents. …

What is the OSHA regulation regarding earthmoving or compacting equipment to be used in reverse gear?

No employer shall permit earthmoving or compacting equipment which has an obstructed view to the rear to be used in reverse gear unless the equipment has in operation a reverse signal alarm distinguishable from the surrounding noise level or an employee signals that it is safe to do so.

How does OSHA help employees identify risks and hazards in the workplace?

To identify and assess hazards, employers and workers: Collect and review information about the hazards present or likely to be present in the workplace. Investigate injuries, illnesses, incidents, and close calls/near misses to determine the underlying hazards, their causes, and safety and health program shortcomings.

When steel tube piles are being blown out employees must be?

When steel tube piles are being “blown out”, employees shall be kept well beyond the range of falling materials.

What is barge loading?

The mobile truck unloader for barge loading allows the operator to directly unload trucks in the Inland Terminal to eliminate the double handling of material. The fully mobile units can be used to load barges and coaster vessels directly from trucks to maximize production rates and minimize labour on site.

What is a barge loader?

A shiploader is a large machine used for continuously loading bulk solid materials such as iron ore, coal, fertilizers, grains and/or material in bags onto ships or barges. These machines are located in ports and jetties to facilitate bulk material exportation.

Do barges have right of way?

1. If another vessel is approaching you from the port — or left — side of your boat, you have the right of way and should maintain your speed and direction. 2. If a vessel is aiming to cross your path and they’re on your starboard — or right — side, they have the right of way.

How long does it take for a barge to stop?

The speed of a ship, towboat or tugboat can be deceptive. A tow can travel one mile in seven minutes — a ship even faster — and it generally takes 0.75 to 1.5 miles to stop.

What are the three main protection methods against cave ins?

To prevent cave-ins:

  • SLOPE or bench trench walls.
  • SHORE trench walls with supports, or.
  • SHIELD trench walls with trench boxes.

Are there any regulations for deck barges under construction?

Regulation of Workplace Safety on Deck Barges For construction barges underway and other “uninspected vessels,” the U.S. Coast Guard oversees fire and lifesaving equipment and overall navigational matters. Its regulations for uninspected vessels are found in the Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR Part 25:

Who has jurisdiction over off-Highway loading and unloading?

OSHA has jurisdiction over off-highway loading and unloading, such as warehouses, plants, grain handling facilities, retail locations, marine terminals, wharves, piers, and shipyards.

What are the hazards of tank car loading?

Truck or rail tank car loading or the unloading of flammable/combustible liquids is one of the most hazardous operations likely to be undertaken at any manufacturing or storage facility.

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