How do you add weather to Conky?

How do you add weather to Conky?

Install curl and Conky Manager, a graphical tool to manage conky themes….Set the weather location for your city by doing below steps:

  1. In conky manager, highlight the Flair Weather widget.
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the theme file in text editor.
  3. Replace the location id.

How do you get Conky on Ubuntu?


  1. Open up a terminal window ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[t] does the trick nicely)
  2. Issue the command sudo apt-get install conky-all.
  3. Type your sudo password and hit Enter.
  4. When prompted, accepted the installation by typing y.
  5. Allow the installation to complete.

Where is Conky located?

By default, the Conky configuration file is located in /etc/conky/conky. conf. You should create your own configuration file. From there, you need to navigate to the hidden config folder.

How do I find widgets on Ubuntu?

Install Conky Manager to configure it

  1. In case you don’t have gdebi installed, you can do it right now with this command. You can skip this if you already have it installed. sudo apt install gdebi.
  2. Next, install the downloaded package using the following command. sudo gdebi conky-manager*.deb.

Where is the Conky config file?

Creating a Configuration File By default, the Conky configuration file is located in /etc/conky/conky. conf. You should create your own configuration file. From there, you need to navigate to the hidden config folder.

How install Conky theme Kali Linux?

  1. 1 Install conky. Install conky package. $ sudo apt install -y conky.
  2. 2 ${HOME}/. conkyrc. ${HOME}/.
  3. 3 Autostart. Make conky to be start automatically on login. You can use gnome-display-properties instead of the following command.
  4. 4 Execution result. The conky widget is displayed on desktop.

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