What is the catch with DealDash?

What is the catch with DealDash?

“Meanwhile, DealDash auction losers — all but one participant in each auction — lose all of their prepaid ‘bids’ and walk away with nothing. Thus, when a consumer loses a DealDash ‘auction,’ the House wins. When a consumer wins a DealDash ‘auction,’ the House wins. Even ‘winning’ consumers unwittingly lose.”

Why is DealDash so cheap?

DealDash runs one of such auction-based business models where it auctions products which eventually is bought by the customers at a comparatively lesser price than its actual price. The business model runs on a penny (bidding fee) auction strategy and offers the bids for as less as 20 cents.

Do you lose your money on DealDash?

Unlike a traditional auction house, on DealDash consumers have to pay for every penny bid they make. If they opt not to buy it from DealDash, they walk away from the auction having lost money. Even if they do win, TINA.org found, consumers can end up paying more for an item than its face value.

Can you really buy a car on DealDash?

It’s not a scam. You may not win a car for $1,000 the first time you try bidding on DealDash, but the website is legit. They do deliver the items you win, and each bidder has an equal opportunity to win a bid.

Is DealDash honest?

Truth be told, the people who do manage to win a DealDash auction on occasion likely spend a lot more on bids in all the auctions they lose than they save on the auctions they actually win. Bottom line: As they claim in their commercials, DealDash really is “a fair and honest auction” site and not a scam.

How much does DealDash cost?

The regular price per bid is 60 cents, and your first bid pack purchase will use this price. However, DealDash offers bid sales pretty much every day where you can purchase them from around 14-18 cents per bid. If you buy a larger bid pack, the cost per bid is usually much lower.

Can you make money on DealDash?

How Does DealDash Make Money? DealDash doesn’t make money from selling items. The average price that items are sold for simply isn’t high enough for them to make a profit. Instead, DealDash makes money from selling bids.

What’s the truth about DealDash?

DealDash, one of the largest and best known “penny auction” websites, has been accused of operating an “illegal gambling site” and using a “widespread deceptive marketing campaign to lure customers” to the site, according to the advertising watchdog group Truth in Advertising (TINA.org).

How much does a bid cost on DealDash?

DealDash, like other auction sites, has been described as a gamified approach to e-commerce. To participate, registered bidders first buy “bids” priced at $0.60 each, that they may spend bidding on auctions.

How do you get free bids on DealDash?

In case you didn’t know, you can get free bids from DealDash by signing in and placing at least 1 bid daily, taking a selfie of yourself with your DealDash auction win, and you can also amass “clock time” by being the highest bidder in any auction.

How do you win at DealDash auctions?

How to use Dealdash without losing money

  1. When you join, just buy one bid pack (this way, you’re guaranteed your money back if you don’t win.)
  2. Begin by choosing two or three items you’d like to bid on.
  3. Place one bid on each item early in the auction, before the price hits $5.00.
  4. Lower your expectations.

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