How do I exclude a project in SonarQube?

How do I exclude a project in SonarQube?

2) Configure exclusion from Web UI Sonarqube

  1. Open Sonarqube’s project -> Code (in top menu)
  2. Open Sonarqube’s module (left icon ‘Open Component’s Page) -> Administration (in top menu) -> General Settings.
  3. Add ** in Codecoverage exclusion :

What is sonar coverage exclusions?

sonar.exclusions will exclude mentioned files or directories from analysis. sonar.coverage.exclusions still exists and will exclude mentioned files or directories from code coverage like in question asked. But it’s not mentioned in current documentation.

How do you ignore rules in SonarQube?

Yes, it is possible.

  1. 1.Goto Administration tab->Analysis Scope->Issues.
  2. There , you will find “Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria”.
  3. 3.Provide Rule ID in “Rule Key pattern” textbox [Rule ID can be found by clicking on the particular rule and find it in top right corner]

How do I exclude files from SonarLint?

Exclude specific files and issues Just right-click on any file to access the SonarLint menu, or manage File Exclusions in your Project Properties.

How do I exclude files in sonar properties?

To use exclusions to analyze only the specified subset(s) of files in sonar. sources , go to Project Settings > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Files. You can set these properties at both the project and global levels.

How do I get sonar to ignore a line?

The SonarQube JAVA Analyzer allows you to use the “@SuppressWarnings” annotation to disable a specific rule locally. It will allows you to disable issues on a single line, by placing the annotation directly above an instruction, or in an entire block, by placing it above a class or a method for instance.

How exclude files from sonar test coverage?

Ignore Code Coverage You can prevent some files from being taken into account for code coverage by unit tests. To do so, go to Project Settings > General Settings > Analysis Scope > Code Coverage and set the Coverage Exclusions property.

What is the difference between sonar exclusions and sonar coverage exclusions?

coverage. exclusions excludes some files from the test coverage metrics but those files are still analyzed: other metrics, duplications, coding rules… sonar. exclusions completely excludes some files from the analysis: those files don’t appear at all in SonarQube.

How do I skip tests in SonarQube?

Excluding a module from analysis

  1. define property true in the pom.xml of the module you want to exclude.
  2. use build profiles to exclude some module (like for integration tests)
  3. use Advanced Reactor Options (such as “-pl”). For example mvn sonar:sonar -pl ! module2.

How do I exclude files from sonar scan?

How do you include a file in sonar lint for analysis if it was excluded?

2 Answers

  1. Properties of the project folder where you bound the sonar lint.
  2. SonarLint on the left navigation of the properties for the project.
  3. File exclusions(it shows the file you excluded)
  4. Select the file in the file exclusions section. just Remove.

What is .sonar folder?

Hi. This is the global cache folder.

How to filter or exclude files in SonarQube?

How to filter or exclude files in SonarQube from scanning? 1 Go to sonarQube, select the project you need. 2 Go to administration, 3 Click on general settings, 4 Click on analysis scope 5 click on files, add files in textbox of Source file exclusions.

What does sonar exclude from static analysis?

Just noting that will exclude matched files from all static analysis and code coverage. Also, the commas are required between multiple matchers. – Tim Schimandle

Where to add sonar exclusions in POM file?

Sonar exclusions (like other sonar properties) have to be added to the section of the POM file.

How do I exclude sonar checks in Java?

In Java, we can exclude Sonar checks using the built-in @SuppressWarnings annotation. We can annotate the function: This works exactly the same way as suppressing compiler warnings. All we have to do is specify the rule identifier, in this case java:S106.

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