How does English differ from mother tongue?

How does English differ from mother tongue?

There is no significant difference between mother tongue and first language since both refer to a person’s native language. Mother tongue or first language is the language a person has been exposed to from the birth. It is usually the language one first learns. It is also the language a person is most fluent in.

What is the analysis of mother tongue?

“Mother Tongue,” by Amy Tan, tells a story about Tan and her mother. The essay relates the differences and conflict between Chinese and American cultures. She uses her own way, which is writing, to make a bridge between these two cultures, because she thinks that language has power that we can’t imagine.

Is English more important than mother tongue?

English is essential because it is a lingua franca across the world, and functions as a common language. However, mother tongue should not be forgot and stamped upon. It is the part of your culture. Both are important in their ways.

What is Tan’s purpose in mother tongue?

The purpose of Amy Tan’s essay, “Mother Tongue,” is to show how challenging it can be if an individual is raised by a parent who speaks “limited English” (36) as Tan’s mother does, partially because it can result in people being judged poorly by others.

Are first language and mother tongue similar or different Why yes or why not?

First language and mother tongue have basically the same meaning, whereas the vernacular is the language spoken by the people. There was a time when Latin was the language well-to-do people used as a means of communication, no matter what their mother tongue was.

What are the disadvantages of mother tongue education?

Four out of six key informants believed that the disadvantage of teaching Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education is that some students rely on their mother tongue. They may have the tendency to forget and may decrease their capacity to learn other languages, more importantly the English language.

What is the conclusion of Mother Tongue?

This essay analyzed the importance of language using Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”. To summarize, Tan’s story tells us that the main purpose of language is to enable people to express themselves and also be in a position to share the expression with others.

Why was Amy Tan ashamed of her mother’s English?

She is raised by her mother who speaks “broken” English, and the outside world where perfect English is spoken. Tan’s attitude towards mother tongue starts as being embarrassed and ashamed, because Mother Tongue was the only type of English that her mother could speak.

Is English a measure of intelligence?

Verbal-linguistics intelligence is measured through different verbal fluency tests or, simply put, one’s language proficiency or one’s ability to learn a new language. Therefore, one’s proficiency in English is, technically, a measure of an intelligence.

What influence has Tan’s mother had on her daughter’s writing?

As Tan’s primary care giver, her mother was a significant part of her childhood, and she has a strong influence over Tan’s writing style. Being raised by her mother taught her that one’s perception of the world is heavily based upon the language spoken at home.

Why does Tan speak a different English with her mother than with her husband?

In her writing, Tan often describes her experiences as the child of Chinese immigrants, growing up in northern California and living in American culture. Tan explains how she has learned to embrace the many Englishes her mother speaks and how her background has also caused her to have different Englishes.

Is mother tongue politically correct?

The term of mother tongue refers to a traditional/conventional family situation where the mother is the person who transmit the language to the child and is the main provider for input in that language for the child in their first years. Usually, mother tongue – or father tongue to be politically correct!

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