What does log amplifier do?
A logarithmic amplifier, or a log amplifier, is an electronic circuit that produces an output that is proportional to the logarithm of the applied input. According to the virtual short concept, the voltage at the inverting input terminal of an op-amp will be equal to the voltage at its non-inverting input terminal.
What is a video amplifier?
A video amplifier is a device or module that amplifies, buffers and filters analog video signals to maintain signal fidelity across 75W cabling. Typical applications include video cable extension, video recording systems, floppy disk head amplifiers, pulsed amplifiers in communications.
What is a log video signal?
What is the application of a broadband log video amplifier? It is used to measure signals that are of high frequency and those that widely vary. It is used when rapid and precise tracking across the entire frequency band is required.
What is a DLVA?
A Detector Logarithmic Video Amplifier (DLVA) consists of a detector followed by a logarithmic video amplifier (LVA). A DLVA converts an RF signal with a large dynamic range into a video signal/voltage with a smaller dynamic range. The output voltages can then be displayed on a screen.
What are the drawbacks of log amplifier?
This type of log amp has three disadvantages: (1) both the slope and intercept are temperature dependent; (2) it will only handle unipolar signals; and (3) its bandwidth is both limited and dependent on signal amplitude.
What is the disadvantage of log antilog amplifier?
What is the disadvantage of log-antilog multiplier? Explanation: Log amplifier requires the input and reference voltage to be of the same polarity. This restricts log-antilog multiplier to one quadrant operation. Explanation: In an ideal frequency doubler, same frequency is applied to both inputs.
What are the different types of amplifiers?
different types of amplifiers are also often described in system or block diagrams by name.
- Amplifier.
- Audio Frequency Amplifier.
- Intermediate Frequency Amplifier.
- R.F. Amplifier.
- Ultrasonic Amplifier.
- Operational Amplifier.
Do you need to shoot in log?
First and foremost is the fact that shooting in log isn’t always necessary. Because log is primarily designed to maximize dynamic range, it makes sense to shoot log in tricky lighting conditions where you expect there to be both extremely bright and dark parts in the image.
What is a log detector?
Logarithmic Detectors are particularly suited to perform high dynamic range power measurements and are used in a wide range of automatic gain control and pulse detection applications. These devices produce a low frequency (DC) output that is logarithmically (“linear in dB”) related to the input signal level.
What is the significance of Sdlva in a radar detector circuit?
Analog Devices Successive Detection Log Video Amplifiers (SDLVA) measure RF power at frequencies from below 1 GHz to tens of GHz. They exhibit a flat frequency response and faster rise and fall times compared to other RF detectors. These ICs are provided as bare die or in compact SMT ceramic packages.