Can Pi increase effort on NIH grant?

Can Pi increase effort on NIH grant?

Yes, there are no rules prohibiting increased effort for anyone supported by a grant, including the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) and anyone else named in the Notice of Award.

What Is percent effort on a grant?

The “Percent Effort Paid” column contains the percent of compensated effort for an individual on the project during the specified Certification Period. “Effort” is the proportion of time spent on any activity, expressed as a percentage of total time.

Does PI maintain measurable effort?

Yes, the PD/PI and other Senior/key personnel named in the notice of award must devote a measurable level of effort to the project.

What requires NIH prior approval?

prior approval requirements, A&R, capital expenditures, additional no-cost extension or extension greater than 12 months or late notification of initial no-cost extensions, alterations and renovations, capital expenditures, carryover of unobligated balances, change in scope, change in status, including absence of PD/PI …

Does NIH allow pre Award spending?

“When can I begin pre-award spending if my application is likely to receive funding?” For most grants, your institution can allow you to start spending money up to 90 days before your grant’s official start date for research within your approved aims.

What is an unobligated balance NIH?

Often Sponsors request Grant Holders to report on their estimated unobligated balance; that is, the estimated amount of unspent funds at the end of the current budget year (BY). Below is the language from the NIH Grants Policy Statement.

What is effort NIH?

Effort calculation is based on the time necessary to fulfill 100% of activities for which an individual can be compensated, regardless of the number of hours worked. It is not based on a 40- hour work week or on a percent of appointment, however, the estimate of effort should be reasonable.

How is grant effort calculated?

Effort on grants (and all other UW activities) is based on each faculty member’s effort (hours worked) on each grant/activity divided by their total University effort (hours worked).

What is an effort certification?

Effort certification is the federally mandated process by which the government and other sponsors verify that salaries charged to a project reasonably reflect effort spent on that project during the reporting time frame.

How do you change pi in ERA Commons?

Select Change of PD/PI Request from the Request type: drop-down menu and click Go.

  1. When information for a new PD/PI is entered, click the Add/New button. A confirmation pop-up will open, click the Yes button to confirm the change.
  2. The SO may Save the request at this time if the request is not ready to submit.

Can you buy a computer on an NIH grant?

NIH Award Example: “This award does not include funds for the support of computers, and printers as requested in the application. “General purpose equipment (i.e., personal computers and/or commercial software) is not allowable as a direct cost unless specifically approved by the NASA Award Officer.

Does the NIH salary cap apply to consultants?

The salary limitation does not apply to consultants, but consultant payments must meet the test of reasonableness and be consistent with institutional policy for rates paid to consultants, regardless of funding source.

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