What is the difference between SYS and Sysdba?

What is the difference between SYS and Sysdba?

SYS is a predefined user with SYSDBA, and SYSTEM is a predefined user with DBA. If there are n administrator accounts in a database, then there are n users who can connect with administrator privileges (by definition)–there are not just two of them.

How do I give system privileges to Sysdba?


  1. Log in to SQL *Plus: sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’
  2. Create a new user with an administrator password: create user user_name identified by admin_password ;
  3. Assign the sysdba privilege to the new Oracle user: grant sysdba to user_name ;

What is the difference between DBA and Sysdba?

In short, SYSDBA is a system privilege whereas DBA is a role. The DBA role does not include the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges.

How do you check who has Sysdba privileges?

SQL> select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role=’DBA’; The v$pwfile_users view contains a list of all users who have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege.

What is SYS and system in Oracle?

1 SYS and SYSTEM Users. The following administrative user accounts are automatically created when you install Oracle Database. They are both created with the password that you supplied upon installation, and they are both automatically granted the DBA role. SYS. This account can perform all administrative functions.

Is Sysdba a role in Oracle?

SYSDBA and SYSOPER are administrative privileges required to perform high-level administrative operations such as creating, starting up, shutting down, backing up, or recovering the database.

What is SYS as Sysdba in Oracle?

The SYS user is granted the SYSDBA privilege, which enables a user to perform high-level administrative tasks such as backup and recovery. SYSTEM. This account can perform all administrative functions except the following: Backup and recovery.

What privileges does DBA role have?

It includes CREATE PROCEDURE , CREATE TRIGGER , and other system privileges. DBA is the standard role that can be granted by an administrator to another administrator. It includes all system privileges and should only be granted to the most trusted and qualified of users.

Who has DBA role Oracle?

The database administrator (DBA) is this manager. Every database requires at least one person to perform administrative duties. A database administrator’s responsibilities can include the following tasks: installing and upgrading the Oracle server and application tools.

Who has DBA role in Oracle?

What is Sysdba privilege in Oracle?

The SYSDBA system privilege is for fully empowered database administrators and the SYSOPER system privilege allows a user to perform basic operational tasks, but without the ability to look at user data. The SYSDBA and SYSOPER system privileges allow access to a database instance even when the database is not open.

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