What is the importance of age-specific fertility rate?

What is the importance of age-specific fertility rate?

Pros. Age-specific fertility rates enable analysis of the pattern of fertility by age of women and analysis of changes in the timing of childbearing. Comparisons between consecutive years may, for example, indicate that women are delaying childbearing and the onset of family formation.

How do you calculate age-specific fertility rate in demography?

An age- or age-group-specific fertility rate is calculated as the ratio of annual births to women at a given age or age-group to the population of women at the same age or age-group, in the same year, for a given country, territory, or geographic area.

What is mean by age-specific fertility rate ASFR )?

The Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) is the number of live births per 1000 women in a specific age group for a specified geographic area and for a specific point in time, usually a calendar year.

What is the difference between TFR and CBR?

CBR is a useful measure to approximate numbers of births when limited information available. Normally, CWR < 1 ▪ in low fertility countries, well below 1; ▪ in high fertility countries just under 1. TFR is independent of the effect of the age structure. TFR gives the number of births that women give birth to.

How do you interpret age-specific rate?

An age-specific rate is calculated by dividing the total number of health events for the specific age-group of interest by the total population in that age group.

How is TFR measured?

The TFR estimates the number of children a cohort of 1,000 women would bear if they all went through their childbearing years exposed to the age-specific birth rates in effect for a particular time. The TFR is the sum of the age-specific birth rates multiplied by five or (351.4 x 5 = 1757.0).

How do you calculate birth rate?

The birth rate in a period is the total number of live births per 1,000 population divided by the length of the period in years.

What does TFR mean?

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is a standard demographic indicator used internationally to estimate the average number of children that a woman would have over her childbearing years (i.e. age 15-49), based on current birth trends.

How do you calculate age structure?

It is usually calculated by dividing the number of children in the age group 0-4 (of both sexes) by the number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years), and then multiplying by 1000. Example: A district in Viet Nam has the 4896 children under age 5 and 10,200 women aged 15-49. The CWR is: (4896/10200) * 1000 = 480.

How do you calculate the birth rate?

The crude birth rate (CBR) is equal to the number of live births (​b​) in a year divided by the total midyear population (​p​), with the ratio multiplied by 1,000 to arrive at the number of births per 1,000 people. So, there were 14.57 births for every 1,000 people in the city.

What is a specific rate?

A specific rate is a real number. It provides an absolute measurement as well as a useful statistical tool for comparison and trend analysis. For example, Pennsylvania’s crude birth rate expressed as the number of resident live births per 1,000 total population has shown a gradual increase from 12.9 in 1978 to 13.6 in.

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