What is a breeder referral?

What is a breeder referral?

The best way to ensure a long and happy relationship with a purebred dog is to purchase from a responsible breeder. Please Note: the breeder referral contacts are appointed by their clubs to provide referral services only and may not be breeders themselves. …

How do you verify a breeder?

How To Check a Dog Breeder – References, Testimonials & Investigation

  1. Get a Minimum of Two References.
  2. Ensure They Have Proper Kennel Registries. Legitimate Kennel Registries.
  3. Check Their License.
  4. Visit in Person.
  5. Ask Any Questions You Have.
  6. Read Testimonials.
  7. Check their Website.
  8. Observe Their Social Media Presence.

How do I choose a pug breeder?

Breeders should be willing to have you visit their premises and should be able to exhibit a clean environment, well socialized Pugs and a dam with a good temperament. Puppies should seem happy and self-assured. Often the sire of the puppies is thousands of miles away.

What is a puppy referral?

Puppy referral is, if nothing else, a powerful public education tool. Public perceptions about buying a puppy may vary from region to region; each puppy referral should adapt their public education program to meet local needs.

How do I contact AKC?

1 (919) 233-9767
American Kennel Club/Customer service

How can you tell a good quality pug?

Head/face: To meet the standard, the shape of a Pug’s head should be round when you see him from the side and square when you look at him face to face. The bottom of his black velvet ears should fall to his eye level. His large, round, dark eyes have a soft expression.

How can I tell if my puppy is a pug?

Select the pug with the right temperament.

  1. Select a puppy that’s friendly, but relatively relaxed. You want a puppy that allows you to pick it up without squirming.
  2. Once you’ve selected two or three pugs you like, request one-on-one time with them. You want a puppy that is friendly away from its litter.

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