What are the 7 areas of documentation of the neurological exam?

What are the 7 areas of documentation of the neurological exam?

The neurological exam can be organized into 7 categories: (1) mental status, (2) cranial nerves, (3) motor system, (4) reflexes, (5) sensory system, (6) coordination, and (7) station and gait.

What is included in a neurological examination?

The neurologic examination is typically divided into eight components: mental status; skull, spine and meninges; cranial nerves; motor examination; sensory examination; coordination; reflexes; and gait and station. The mental status is an extremely important part of the neurologic examination that is often overlooked.

How do you perform a sensory test?

The Sensory Exam

  1. Pain: Test pain using a sharp object.
  2. Light touch: Using your fingertips or a wisp of cotton, lightly stroke the skin and determine if the patient feels this symmetrically in all areas tested.
  3. Temperature:
  4. Position sense:
  5. Vibration:
  6. Discriminitive sense:

What is included in a sensory assessment?

A Sensory assessment would consist of assessing how your child copes with the ever growing load of sensory information that enters their senses on a daily basis. Through analysis of the behaviours the child demonstrates under stress the therapist can help deduce why they may be misbehaving.

How do you test a neurological vibration?

To test vibration sense, the examiner places a finger under the patient’s distal interphalangeal joint and presses a lightly tapped 128-cycle tuning fork on top of the joint. The patient should note the end of vibration about the same time as the examiner, who feels it through the patient’s joint.

How is a sensory assessment done?

The Sensory assessment is an assessment that can take place in clinic, at home or in school. It will be completed by an occupational therapist through an observation of the behaviours and movements the child shows in relation to the sensory input they are receiving.

What is a sensory examination?

The sensory exam involves evaluation of pain (or temperature), light touch, position sense, vibration, and discriminative sensations. This portion of the exam is very subjective, and may become unreliable if repeated in quick succession. Therefore, your exam should not be rushed, but must proceed efficiently.

[edit on Wikidata] A neurological examination is the assessment of sensory neuron and motor responses, especially reflexes, to determine whether the nervous system is impaired. This typically includes a physical examination and a review of the patient’s medical history, but not deeper investigation such as neuroimaging.

What is a full neurological exam?

A neurological exam is a physical examination conducted by a health care provider which is focused on the nervous system. It is a common part of a complete neurological assessment as may be conducted by various physicians, most commonly a neurologist or neurosurgeon.

How to do a neuro check?

Check for level of consciousness or LOC (full consciousness,lethargy,obtundation,stupor,coma)

  • Perform a pupil check (PERRLA: pupils equal,round,react to light and accommodation)
  • Check for and observe facial symmetry (have the patient smile and lift eyebrows)
  • Perform an A/O (alert&oriented) and make a comparison against the patient’s baseline
  • What is a neurologic exam?

    A typical neurologic exam will assess: Cranial nerve function. As part of the neurologic exam, the doctor will check the function of cranial nerves that control senses, such as sight, taste, and hearing, and motor movement, including the movement of your eyes and the muscles involved in speech.

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